When a new gadget is being developed, it’s appearance is not necessarily a priority. It has to be practical, for sure. Even the smallest details, sometimes those we completely ignore, can be of critical importance and turn out to be really useful.
Have a look at 21 examples of designers doing their best to make our lives as convenient as possible.
#1 The microwave oven on the bag shows exactly how much time it takes to prepare the food

#2 In Seattle they know how city maps can be made available everywhere for everyone

#3 This cosmetics hanger has got special holes for bottles so that the liquid inside flows down

#4 Some desks can hide the monitors so that the users can enjoy having more space

#5 A door knob providing extra friction for people wearing gloves

#6 Skateboarding parking lot

#7 Taps you turn on with your knees

#8 One of the most versatile shelves ever invented

#9 Thanks to this one you will never spill anymore spices or coffee

#10 Fruit trays to keep them fresh

#11 Chinese airports and hotels offer chargers to rent

#12 A gadget to stop the pages turning

#13 A breathalyser in an American restaurant to let you check if you can drive

#14 A tag you don’t have to remove as it has some soft cloth underneath that won’t irritate you

#15 There is no kid in this kindergarten that can reach the handle to run free

#16 The coconuts in this Chinese shop have been made much more accessible

#17 A perfect combination of aesthetic and practical properties

#18 These extensions can be combined in a number of ways

#19 This beer mat has got a hidden image that only shows when a few drops of water flow upon it from the cold glass of beer

#20 This playground was designed also for the physically disadvantaged children

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