If you’re looking for a way to practice place value and strengthen number concept, look no further! This fun Build It! place value center has everything you need.
It comes in THREE different versions so you can easily differentiate AND it includes printable place value blocks in case you’re teaching remotely. What could be better?
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Getting Ready
Prep for this place value center was super simple. I printed the Build it! cards on colorful cardstock for a fun pop of color. If you’re using the activity in your classroom, you may want to consider laminating them for extra durability.
Since this activity was in person, I used the base ten blocks I had on hand. However, if you’re using this activity while teaching remotely, send families home with the paper set of base ten blocks that is included in this download.
Note: This is a great chance to differentiate! Give students who are just beginning to learn number concept the first set so they can specifically work on numbers 1-20. For students who are ready for more of a challenge, work on sets 2 or 3 instead. You can print each set on different colored paper to keep them nice and organized.
Keeping them color coded also helps students to grab the appropriate one for their level while playing the center.
Build It! Place Value Center
Children grabbed one Build It! card at a time depending on their comfort level. Using their base ten blocks, they made each number while I made my way around the room, helping students who needed it.
They continued until they worked their way through the entire set.
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