Recently, all of my kids choose a book to give their new baby cousin. My 10 year old chose Creepy Carrots as he says it is his favorite picture book. The humor in this book might go over the heads of preschoolers, but older children who can appreciate a tongue-in-cheek story will find this book hysterical.

Creepy Carrots Details
Title: Creepy Carrots!
Author: Aaron Reynolds
Illustrator: Peter Brown
Publication Year: 2012
Age Group: Kindergarten, Early Elementary, Mid Elementary
Amazon Product Page (Affiliate Link)
If you only have young children, this book might not be for you. I read it aloud to my four kids, ages 4 to 10. While my older 2 children thought it was really funny, my younger 2 sort of didn’t get it. They didn’t necessarily think it was scary, they just didn’t understand why it was funny. However, when my 10 year old recently declared this book his favorite picture book of all time, I knew I had to include it on our list of funny books.
Jasper the Bunny loves eating carrots, until one day, the carrots start stalking him. They follow him wherever he goes. He is sure, they are out to get him. He starts doing whatever he can to get away from those creepy carrots.
The illustrations give the book a creepy feel, if…you know…the idea that carrots were creepy wasn’t so ridiculous. I won’t give away the ending, but the author holds up his slightly sarcastic, winking-at-the-child, narrative all the way to the end.
While your preschooler might not appreciate the humor in this story, if you still read aloud to your elementary-aged children (and I hope you do!), then you will want to check out Creepy Carrots.
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