You guys have been asking and asking me for Digital Learning Files. Good news. I FINALLY have found the time to get the rolling out and providing you all some how to use digital learning files help.
My Big Plan
About 10 months ago, I formulated a plan that would have blow everyone who attended I Teach K this summer away using the book, The Very Impatient Caterpillar. I grabbed this book for $1 from Scholastic this past school year.
Obviously, those I Teach K plans are now on pause. I can’t tell you my plan, but I was pumped about it. (I am praying I can do it again at another teaching conference soon!)
Then, I was given the opportunity to become a presenter for the GYTO K/1 Virtual Conference and I jumped at it. If you missed the free version, you can still join the conference and work at your own pace for a small fee. Click here to make that happen.
My GYTO K/1 topic focused on turning paper into digital so you can offer BOTH options to your students. The feedback and support from this session has blown away! I am so glad I could help so many of my fellow teachers integrate technology.
Digital Files
During my GYTO session, you guys have asked and asked for me to make digital learning files. I won’t lie, they have been on my list to do since we went digital.
Because I am a full time teacher and a mother of two girls who also went to virtual learning, I was not able to create these for you quickly. Also, I really wanted these to come with knowledge from the digital learning experience.
How to Use Digital Files
First, I purposefully gave you too much with these digital files. The idea was for you to use what you can use! I know there is a lot here, so I am expecting you to edit the file as you need to.
Here is a video showing you how to get to the digital learning files AND how to edit them for your students to use.
First, let to tell everyone who owns The Very Impatient Caterpillar printables GETS THESE digital activities at no extra charge.
Let me know which one you need converted next. If I know what you need, I might be able to help.
The post How to Use Digital Learning Files appeared first on Sharing Kindergarten.