NANCY BAILEY: Kindergarten Reading Push: Still Problematic During the Pandemic

Kindergarten Reading Push: Still Problematic During the Pandemic

Kindergarten Reading Push: Still Problematic During the Pandemic

Parents and educators, convinced that kindergartners must learn to read, might purchase unproven commercial online reading programs during the pandemic. The best solution for kindergartners currently is for school librarians and teachers to get interesting picture books and reading material into the hands of young children.
Standardized testing made pushing children to read in kindergarten part of the curriculum. No Child Left Behind, Race to the Top, and Common Core State Standards contributed to remaking kindergarten. Now this harmful practice is interwoven into the kindergarten curriculum.
During a pandemic, it would seem like these harsh kindergarten requirements could be dropped. Instead, mandatory reading goals still highlight kindergarten.
A report by Christina A. Samuels in Education Week “Will Kindergartens Be Empty this Fall?” illustrates the problem. The report describes difficulties school CONTINUE READING: Kindergarten Reading Push: Still Problematic During the Pandemic

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