Number Recognition Sticker Books for Kindergarten

 Math number recognition sticker books for math learning assessment in Kindergarten


Math number recognition sticker books for math learning assessment in Kindergarten
These Number Sticker Books make assessing number recognition fun! 
Math number recognition sticker books for math learning assessment in Kindergarten
Number recognition is a key standard in Kindergarten. These number booklets help you assess your students' learning. Simply place a sticker in the dot (or color it in, stamp it, or highlight it) when a number is mastered. This makes a great way for teachers to track which numbers students recognize and which ones need some more practice.
Math number recognition sticker books for math learning assessment in Kindergarten
These number booklets are great motivators for your students, as well! It's easy for students to see their progress, and motivates them to work hard to complete their books! 
Math number recognition sticker books for math learning assessment in Kindergarten
This pack includes number recognition booklets for a variety of goals. There are booklets for mastery of 0-10, teens, 0-20, twenties, and 0-30.
Math number recognition sticker books for math learning assessment in Kindergarten

  • as a tool for individual student assessments
  • to send home for extra practice (parents can easily see which numbers have been mastered and which numbers need more practice)
  • as a visual for students to see their progress
  • summer practice and review
Math number recognition sticker books for math learning assessment in Kindergarten
These number recognition sticker books for Kindergarten are conveniently made with 3 checklists per page, to make for easy prep!
Math number recognition sticker books for math learning assessment in Kindergarten

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