Once Upon a Time in a Classic Classroom

My 6-year-old granddaughter Maria is a first-grader this year. At this writing, and I pray it continues, her classes are in-person. Her kindergarten days were primarily spent in front of a computer due to the COVID-19 lockdowns. She and I recently spent a delightful time shopping. It was a "grandmother date," and together we chose a few outfits for school and, of course, a pair of black patent leather Mary Janes. Some items are just classic and have remained. She told me that her mother, my daughter-in-law Rose, had purchased her school supplies ... crayons, pencils, highlighters. Our excursion brought back many early, actually vintage childhood memories, or maybe you’d call it retro remembering. My children are grown, so shopping (or ordering online) for packs of colored pencils isn’t on my agenda, but I found myself reflecting on my back-to-school days growing up in Portland, Oregon. Things Were Simpler Yes, ...

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