One of the Aims of Scouting is Character Development. One aspect of character development is learning to care for others. Through Scouting, young men and women learn to work to make life better for everyone by participating in service projects. Age appropriate service is expected of all Scouts, from Cub Scouting, to Scouts BSA, to Venturing.
The Boy Scouts of America joined the Messengers of Peace initiative in 2012. This program encourages Scouts around the world to work for peace by being a positive force in their communities.
Coming up with feasible service project ideas for young Cub Scouts can be a challenge. Lions (who are in kindergarten) need to do a good turn for the Pick My Path adventure. And Tigers (who are in first grade) need to do a service project for the Tiger Circles adventure. There are many possibilities though.
Thanksgiving is a good opportunity for Scouts to thing about gratitude and good manners. Here are some songs and activities for your Thanksgiving Scout meeting.
While working on the Good Knights adventure, Tiger Cub Scouts can learn about the Scout Law, create a code of conduct, learn how to work together, use recycled items to build a castle, or take part in a service project. Here are a few ideas to help you with this achievement. and some checkoff sheets .
The Gives Goodwill meeting plan features ideas for the core value of citizenship - games, group activities, songs, and more. This theme has an emphasis on the importance of serving others in need.
Scouts learn how to be active members of their local community while working on the Citizenship in the Community merit badge. They learn about local government and do service work in their region. They also research the history, culture, and demographics in their area.
Council Fire (Duty to Country) is one of the Wolf required adventures. For this adventure, Wolves learn about being a member of a community. They plan a service project, look for ways they can help in their area, and actively participate in making their community better.
Earning Your Stripes is one of the Tiger elective adventures. For this adventure, Tiger Cubs and their adult partners practice loyalty and good manners. They also do a service project.
First Class requirement 9 helps Scouts learn about their rights and duties as citizens. They also learn about good stewardship of the environment and participate in a service project.
Build My Own Hero is one of the Webelos/Arrow of Light elective adventures. For the Build My Own Hero adventure, Webelos learn how to be a hero in their own communities, recognize real life heroes, and design their own superhero.
For previous service requirements, a Scout on the path from Life to Eagle only had to participate in service projects. Now the candidate for Eagle Scout must organize and lead a service project, inspiring others to help.
Second Class requirement 8 teaches Scouts how to be good citizens. They learn to respect and handle the US flag. They also learn about managing money and purchasing wisely.
For the Tenderfoot citizenship requirements, Scouts learn the proper care of the United States flag. They also put the Scout slogan and Scout motto into action by participating in one or more service projects.
Scouts who are working toward earning the rank of Life must continue to show how they do their "Duty to Others" by doing service projects, including conservation service projects.
Scouts who are working on their Star rank show their concern for "Duty to Others" by doing service projects. Check with your Scoutmaster before starting on a service project for this requirement.