There’s nothing like a bit of contrast and historical perspective to make you reevaluate what's going on in the world now. Many people, especially those living in the West, still have very little understanding of what everyday life was like behind the Iron Curtain. That’s where the ‘Soviet Visuals’ social media project comes in. It collects and shares historical photos, propaganda posters, illustrations, and architectural images from the USSR in order to give people a better understanding of the Soviet and post-Soviet eras.
If you’re fans of history and old-timey photography, dear Pandas, then this is the article for you. Remember to upvote your fave pics as you scroll down. And if you grew up in the former USSR, let us know in the comments what life was really like back then. The good, the bad, the ugly—don’t skip out on the details.
Bored Panda spoke to the founder of the aesthetic time capsule that is the 'Soviet Visuals' project, Varia Bortsova. She was kind enough to answer our questions. "I always really enjoyed rummaging through old family VHS tapes and magazine cutouts, and starting a Twitter account became a way to share these findings with the world," she told us. "Over time, more and more people started to contribute their own visuals and it evolved into a real community. I started the project on my own but now have two awesome researchers on board who help source new archive content daily and process user submissions."
We were interested to hear Varia's thoughts about why 'Soviet Visuals' became so successful. "A couple of reasons, I think. Soviet Visuals content feeds an appetite for vintage aesthetics: from design, to fashion, to architecture, to music. A lot of what was produced behind the Iron Curtain was actually exceptionally creative (despite, or sometimes due to the various ideological constraints)," she said. Scroll down for the full interview.
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#1 Soviet Postcard, 1955

Image credits: Soviet Visuals
"The stereotype tends to be that 'Soviet = gray,' but it is truly anything but, and going down the Soviet content rabbit hole can be a rewarding and addictive experience," Varia told Bored Panda.
"There is an infinite amount of humor and beauty to discover. And on a separate level, the historical propaganda visuals are highly topical in today's world—people make connections to what is happening today in politics, in international relations, in society... It's fascinating to look back and see certain parallels. For example, Soviet vaccine campaign posters have been a particular hit in recent months," she noted that history tends to repeat itself.
#2 Belka The Space Dog Upon Returning From Her Cosmic Voyage. USSR, August 1960

Image credits: Soviet Visuals
#3 “We Are Not Raising Our Sons For War!" Soviet Poster, 1957

Image credits: Soviet Visuals
"Soviet Visuals is a time capsule of the past. It is most definitely not about promoting the Soviet regime or even justifying its existence. I think the overwhelming majority of our followers understand that. That said, someone on the internet will always feel insulted: in our case, the ratio of complaints is roughly 50/50 between 'you are not pro-Soviet enough' and 'you are not 'anti-Soviet enough'. For me, this means that we are in the right place," the founder of 'Soviet Visuals' explained a bit about the online community.
Since launching the project, Varia has published a book, founded a small online store, and written up the entire history of 'Soviet Visuals.'
#4 Post-Soviet Visual. Photo By Tatyana Rodionova

Image credits: Soviet Visuals
#5 Children In Sleeping Bags Are Being Taken To Have Their Mid-Day Nap1930s, USSR

Image credits: Soviet Visuals
#6 Babies Sleep Well In The Air In A Light Frost. Nursery №155. Dzerzhinsky District Of Moscow. Photographer Dmitry Baltermantz. 1958

Image credits: Soviet Visuals
The ‘Soviet Visuals’ project is very popular on Facebook, with over 824.7k followers waiting for the newest updates. The page has over a third of a million followers on Twitter, as well as a further quarter of a million on Instagram.
The brutalist architecture, avant-garde art, and quirky photos all draw in quite a crowd. The project has fans all over the world, including from inside the former USSR, as well as elsewhere. ‘Soviet Visuals’ calls itself the “internet's largest social archive of visuals from across the former USSR.”
#7 May Day Celebration. Photo By Ilya Pavlyuk, Lviv, Ukrainian SSR, 1968

Image credits: Soviet Visuals
#8 Pictures Of A Russian Meteorologist Who Spent 30 Years At An Arctic Meteorology Base. By Evgenia Arbugaeva

Image credits: Soviet Visuals
#9 Soviet Swimmer Maria Havrish Congratulates Her Rival Elena Kovalenko, Who Defeated Her In The Breaststroke Competition At The Spartakiad Of The Peoples Of The USSR In Moscow, 1956

Image credits: Soviet Visuals
The Soviet Union has its roots in the 1917 Russian Revolution and the Russian Civil War. The USSR was formed in 1922 and was controlled, on all levels, by the Communist Party until eventually collapsing in 1991.
At the height of its power, the USSR encompassed 15 republics: Russia, Ukraine, Georgia, Belorussia, Uzbekistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia. Anyone who’s opened up a history book likely knows the extent of repressions that many living in these republics faced on their way to independence. The USSR has a legacy of violence that cannot be erased.
#10 Belka And Strelka, Soviet Space Dogs. Photo By Yuri Krivonosov, 1960

Image credits: Soviet Visuals
#11 Post-Soviet Visual. Meanwhile In The Moscow Metro

Image credits: Soviet Visuals
#12 Spring In Yakutsk, 1967

Image credits: Soviet Visuals
TikTok star Alyssa, who lives in the US, but is half Russian and half Ukrainian explained to Bored Panda that many outsiders are awestruck by how direct Russians are in how they communicate.
“In my experience, Americans who visit Russia are surprised at how directly Russians communicate. Russians say what they mean and don’t go out of their way to cushion your feelings the way that Americans are trained to do. Russians tend to value ‘honesty’ over ‘niceness,'” she said, adding that one way to bridge any culture gap is through food. “Lots and lots of food. Burgers and borsch.”
#13 Azerbaijani Wedding, USSR, 1965

Image credits: Soviet Visuals
#14 Young Pioneers In Defense Drill. Photo By Viktor Bulla, Leningrad, USSR, 1937

Image credits: Soviet Visuals
#15 Baby Yoda Is Just Capitalist Cheburashka. May The 4th Be With You!

Image credits: Soviet Visuals
Meanwhile, the moderators running the ‘A Normal Day in Russia’ subreddit shared with us that there is a constant challenge when it comes to stereotypes. Russian culture is often seen as one-dimensional in some parts of the world.
"We are trying to steer away from negative content and try to highlight the actual normal day in Russia, the beauty of the country, and the people who live there," they said.
"Russian people are direct, they will not hide their feelings and they will tell you what's on their mind, without sugarcoating. Yet, they will welcome you with open arms and treat you as part of the family.”
#16 "8 March-International Women's Day" Soviet Postcard, 1961

Image credits: Soviet Visuals
#17 Soviet Cosmonauts Yuri Gagarin And Gherman Titov In Their Flight Suits And Helmets, In A Bus Heading Toward The Vostok 1 Launch Site In Baykonur Cosmodrome, Kazakhstan, USSR, On 12 April 1961. Gagarin Was Soon To Become Famous As The First Man In Space

Image credits: Soviet Visuals
#18 Boy Standing In Front Of Fallen Statue Of Lenin. Photo By Dario Mitidieri, Ethiopia, 1991

Image credits: Soviet Visuals
Some internet users have an overly romantic, naive, and unrealistic view of what living in the Soviet era was like. "If we go back in time where socialism or communism were at their prime, we can see that the top of the head of the system was corrupted and that resulted with the fall of the system," Angel, the founder of 'Humans of Capitalism,' told Bored Panda previously.
In their view, developing technologies might bring about "automated communism where machines will produce, deliver, and take care of food supply, clothing, health."
#19 School Pencil Case, USSR, 1970s

Image credits: Soviet Visuals
#20 Leonid Brezhnev And Erich Honecker. Photo By Helmuth Lohmann, Berlin, GDR, 1979

Image credits: Soviet Visuals
#21 "69th Parallel" Hotel, Murmansk, USSR, 1970s

Image credits: Soviet Visuals
They said that this kind of mass automation could be an extension of what is happening right now and could lead to even more major layoffs.
“The idea of getting free food, water, health, clothing, is nice and, in reality, if we take a closer look at the current system we can see that more people are let off and replaced by machines. For example, we can see that McDonald's workers are fired and they have been replaced with machines that work on touch or by sound and they take orders, forward orders to the employees, etc." According to them, the main question to answer would be who would manage and maintain these automated processes.
#22 Warsaw, Polish People's Republic, 1980

Image credits: Soviet Visuals
#23 Soviet Cosmonaut Sergei Krikalev Was In Space When The Soviet Union Fell Apart In 1991. Unable To Return Home, He Had To Stay In Space Until Further Notice. The Cosmonaut Eventually Returned Back To Earth After 10 Months In Orbit - To A Very Different Nation. Photo By Volkov/Tass

Image credits: Soviet Visuals
#24 Ice Swimmers In Kiev, Ukrainian SSR, 1960s

Image credits: Soviet Visuals
#25 Post-Soviet Visual

Image credits: Soviet Visuals
#26 The Remains Of A Concrete Apartment Building In Kirovsky, A Former Fisherman Village In Kamchatka Which Was Abandoned In 1964

Image credits: Soviet Visuals
#27 Post-Soviet Visual

Image credits: Soviet Visuals
#28 Post-Soviet Visual. Fish Sellers In The Market Of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, Russia, March 1993

Image credits: Soviet Visuals
#29 World Chess Champion Anatoly Karpov (Right) Holds Demo Game At The Sports Festival Dedicated To The XVIII Komsomol Congress. Photo By Vladimir Rodionov, USSR, 24 April 1978

Image credits: Soviet Visuals
#30 "The Face Of Imperialism" Soviet Belarusian Poster, 1967

Image credits: Soviet Visuals
#31 Bread On Sale In A Supermarket. Photo By Chris Niedenthal, Sofia, People's Republic Of Bulgaria, 1985

Image credits: Soviet Visuals
#32 Dutch Fashion Models Sonja Bakker And Femke Van De Bosch In Moscow. Photo By Paul Huf, USSR 1965

Image credits: Soviet Visuals
#33 Viktor Tsoi With Marianna Tsoi, Joanna Stingray, Yuri Kasparyan. New Year's Eve Celebration. Photo By Anne Chantal-Petter, USSR, 1986

Image credits: Soviet Visuals
#34 Soviet Postcard, 1956

Image credits: Soviet Visuals
#35 Post-Soviet Visual. "The Return" Painting By Georgy Kurasov, Russia, 2005

Image credits: Soviet Visuals
#36 A Massive Lenin Bust Hiding In An Apartment Building Stairwell In Khujand, Tajikistan. Photo - Artyom Kushneruk

Image credits: Soviet Visuals
#37 Post-Soviet Visual. Dostoevsky Doppelgänger In The Moscow Metro

Image credits: Soviet Visuals
#38 Post-Soviet Visual

Image credits: Soviet Visuals
#39 Post-Soviet Visual. Snacks

Image credits: Soviet Visuals
#40 "Down With CPSU". Soviet Punks During The August 1991 Coup In Moscow

Image credits: Soviet Visuals
#41 Amanauz Hotel Abandoned During Construction, Dombay, USSR, 1985

Image credits: Soviet Visuals
#42 "My Grandma With Her Classmates. Lori Region, Armenia, 1966-1967"

Image credits: Soviet Visuals
#43 Self-Made New Year Robot Costume, USSR, 1964

Image credits: Soviet Visuals
#44 Fidel Castro In Conversation With Yuri Gagarin. Photo By Valentin Sobolev, Havana, Cuba, 1961

Image credits: Soviet Visuals
#45 Soviet Linguist, Epigrapher And Ethnographer Yuri Knorozov, Who Is Particularly Renowned For The Pivotal Role His Research Played In The Decipherment Of The Maya Script, The Writing System Used By The Pre-Columbian Maya Civilization Of Mesoamerica, 1971

Image credits: Soviet Visuals
#46 "New Apartment". Photo By Nikolay Khorunzhiy, USSR, 1959

Image credits: Soviet Visuals
#47 Crossing The Road. Photo By Vladimir Bogdanov, Leningrad, USSR, 1963

Image credits: Soviet Visuals
#48 Sale Of New Year Tree Decorations At "Detsky Mir" Store. Photo By Pyotr Nosov, Moscow, USSR, December 1967

Image credits: Soviet Visuals
#49 Post Soviet Visual. Warm-Up Of A Guard Of Honor Soldier, Russia, 1990s

Image credits: Soviet Visuals
#50 Post-Soviet Visual. Modern Residential Building In The Outskirts Of Saint Petersburg That Houses Over 18,000 People

Image credits: Soviet Visuals
#51 Moscow, May 9, 1945

Image credits: Soviet Visuals
#52 Post-Soviet Visual. Soldier Kissing Girlfriend In Moscow During October Coup. Photo By David Turnley, Russia, 1993

Image credits: Soviet Visuals
#53 Kievskaya Metro Station. Photo By Dean Conger, Moscow, USSR, 1964

Image credits: Soviet Visuals
#54 Asphalt Roller Driver, USSR, 1960s

Image credits: Soviet Visuals
#55 "Moscow Morning" Painting By Arkady Stavrovsky, USSR, 1972

Image credits: Soviet Visuals
#56 Vacationers Sunbathing On The Coast Of The Gulf Of Riga In Jurmala. Photo By Yakov Berliner, Latvian SSR, 1975

Image credits: Soviet Visuals
#57 Snow Drifts In Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk. Photo By Yuri Sadovnikov, USSR, 1968

Image credits: Soviet Visuals
#58 "Literacy Is The Path To Communism" Soviet Poster, 1920

Image credits: Soviet Visuals
#59 Soviet Policeman Outside Of The First Mcdonalds In The USSR, Moscow,1990

Image credits: Soviet Visuals
#60 Post-Soviet Visual. Karl Marx Monument At Bitukha Village. Photo By Olga Ptashnik, Tver Region, Russia, 2009

Image credits: Soviet Visuals
#61 Tea Peddler, Baku, Azerbaijan SSR, 1976

Image credits: Soviet Visuals
#62 "Architect" Soviet Construction Kit For Children, 1980s

Image credits: Soviet Visuals
#63 Soviet Communal Apartment Made Of Plasticine. Artwork By Alexey Mikulin, Russia, 2019

Image credits: Soviet Visuals
#64 Production Of Pepsi-Cola At The Tallinn Soft Drinks Plant, Estonian SSR, 1970s

Image credits: Soviet Visuals
#65 To Whoever Needs To Hear This: “Don't Dry Clothes Washed In Gasoline By The Fire" (Soviet Fire Safety Poster)

Image credits: Soviet Visuals
#66 "My Grandmother With My Dad Back In The 70's In Vilnius, Lithuania" Via Anastasija

Image credits: Soviet Visuals
#67 Kindergarten. Photo By Thomas T. Hammond, USSR, 1964

Image credits: Soviet Visuals
#68 Electric Toothbrush, USSR, 1968

Image credits: Soviet Visuals
#69 Paz 672 Soviet Minibus, 1967

Image credits: Soviet Visuals
#70 Soviet Winter, Chelyabinsk Region, 1950s

Image credits: Soviet Visuals
#71 Post Soviet Visual. Enjoying Ice Cream In Winter. Photo By Vladimir Bogdanov, Russia, 1990s

Image credits: Soviet Visuals
#72 Grandfather Frost Greeting The Crew Of The Tu-144 Supersonic Airliner, Alma-Ata Airport, Kazakh SSR, 1977

Image credits: Soviet Visuals
#73 Soviet New Year Party, 1969

Image credits: Soviet Visuals
#74 Book Market, Kirov, USSR, 1960s

Image credits: Soviet Visuals
#75 "Italian Communist Party Sputnik-Car For Propaganda During Italian General Election, 1958" Via Antonio Ci

Image credits: Soviet Visuals
#76 Soviet Mi-8 Helicopter In Afghanistan, 1980

Image credits: Soviet Visuals
#77 Post-Soviet Visual. Russia, 2020

Image credits: Soviet Visuals
#78 A Date On A White Night. Leningrad, USSR, 1977

Image credits: Soviet Visuals
#79 "Let Chinese-Soviet Friendship Live Forever!" Poster, PRC, 1959

Image credits: Soviet Visuals
#80 'What You Can Buy Instead Of 0.5l Of Vodka. 3 Apples, 400g Meat, 2kg Potatoes, 2kg Bread, 1l Milk, Onions, Pepper, Salt' Soviet Poster

Image credits: Soviet Visuals
#81 "Lenin In Emigration, 1905" Painting By Emil Wiesel, USSR, 1927

Image credits: Soviet Visuals
#82 Public Beach In Yalta. Photo By Georg Oddner, Ukrainian SSR, 1967

Image credits: Soviet Visuals
#83 "My Aunt On The Red Square, Moscow, USSR, 1971"

Image credits: Soviet Visuals
#84 Na Zdorovie! Photo By Carl Mydans, USSR, 1960

Image credits: Soviet Visuals
#85 "Taiga" Soviet Porcelain Teapot, 1933

Image credits: Soviet Visuals
#86 "The Beauty Of Man Is In Labor" Soviet Porcelain Sugar Bowl, 1974

Image credits: Soviet Visuals
#87 "Kosmos" Cafe, Gorky, USSR, 1963

Image credits: Soviet Visuals
#88 American Model Jerry Hall Posing Next To Worker And Kolkhoz Woman Monument At The Exhibition Of Achievements Of National Economy In Moscow. Photo By By Norman Parkinson, USSR, 1975

Image credits: Soviet Visuals
#89 Waiting Room At The Marriage Registration Office. Tallinn, Estonian SSR, 1973

Image credits: Soviet Visuals
#90 Post-Soviet Visual. Art Work By Mayana Nasybullova, Novosibirsk, Russia, 2017

Image credits: Soviet Visuals
#91 "Buran" Soviet Space Shuttle, 1988

Image credits: Soviet Visuals
#92 Post-Soviet Visual. Photo By Igor Mukhin, Russia, 1990s

Image credits: Soviet Visuals
#93 Us-Soviet Apollo-Soyuz Space Mission Crew. Photo: NASA, 1975

Image credits: Soviet Visuals
#94 "Riga 16" Soviet Scooter Advertising Poster, 1977

Image credits: Soviet Visuals
#95 Fidel Castro On The Train From Irkutsk To Bratsk. USSR, 1963

Image credits: Soviet Visuals
#96 "Solaris" Soviet Film Poster, 1972

Image credits: Soviet Visuals
#97 Moscow, 1959

Image credits: Soviet Visuals
#98 Family Dinner, USSR, 1950s

Image credits: Soviet Visuals
#99 Soviet Ashtray, 1950s

Image credits: Soviet Visuals
#100 Soviet Alarm Clock, 1960s

Image credits: Soviet Visuals
#101 Soviet Actress Klara Luchko, 1968

Image credits: Soviet Visuals
#102 Gas Station On Leninsky Avenue. Photo By Valentin Shiyanovsky, Moscow, USSR, 1974

Image credits: Soviet Visuals
#103 Soviet Actress Natalya Klimova As Snow Queen, 1966

Image credits: Soviet Visuals
#104 "Happy New Year!" Soviet Greeting Card, 1986

Image credits: Soviet Visuals
#105 Medvedkovo Residential District. Photo By Lev Polikashin, Moscow, USSR, 1967

Image credits: Soviet Visuals
#106 "Estonia 010" Hi-Fi Stereo" Soviet Advertising Poster, 1980s

Image credits: Soviet Visuals
#107 Computer Training, Estonian SSR, 1989

Image credits: Soviet Visuals
#108 Photo By Sergei Borisov, USSR, 1989

Image credits: Soviet Visuals
#109 Soviet Travel Poster, 1965

Image credits: Soviet Visuals
#110 Diego Maradona In USSR, 1990

Image credits: Soviet Visuals
#111 Post-Soviet Visual. "On The Moon" Painting By Marina Fyodorova, Russia, 2018

Image credits: Soviet Visuals
#112 Soviet Punk Lesha Uksus. Photo By Igor Mukhin, 1988

Image credits: Soviet Visuals
#113 "Mozhet Byt'" (Maybe) Soviet Ladies Perfume, 1970s

Image credits: Soviet Visuals
#114 Mural On The Building Of The Engine Room Of The Volga Hydroelectric Power Station. Photo By Vsevolod Tarasevich, Volgograd, USSR, 1968

Image credits: Soviet Visuals
#115 "Blossom, Our Friendship!" Russian Ukrainian Friendship Postcard, 1960

Image credits: Soviet Visuals
#116 "Novo-Lenino. Terminus" Painting By Evgeny Shpirko, USSR, 1967

Image credits: Soviet Visuals
#117 New Year Celebration. Photo By Nikolai Kozlovsky, USSR, 1961

Image credits: Soviet Visuals
#118 Grocery Store In Pärnu, Estonian SSR 1971

Image credits: Soviet Visuals
#119 Vietnamese Communist Leader Ho Chi Minh With East German Sailors In Stralsund Harbour, 1957

Image credits: Soviet Visuals
#120 "Lithuania Is Flourishing In Fraternal Community" Soviet Poster, 1972

Image credits: Soviet Visuals