In The Queen of Kindergarten, MJ is guided through her first day of Kindergarten. Soon, your classroom will also love this precious story. Here’s how you can integrate this story into your classroom.
Grab the Book
First, let’s grab the book The Queen of Kindergarten. You can snag it here on Amazon. I like to integrate the book into our classroom learning after reading the book. We may need to make these ideas simple since this book may be used at the beginning of Kindergarten.
PreWriting Activity
Don’t let writing be a struggle in Kindergarten. Start the year with this prewriting activity. The mirror printable can be used by students to reflect on how they look on their first day of school. A happy face or a scared face can be drawn. I wonder if they’d like a tiara like MJ’s. Additionally, this mirror page is compatible with The King of Kindergarten book as well.
In reading the book, we may discover works we’ve never seen before. The vocabulary focus is a good way to teach big words to our little learners.
Furthermore, we have these vocabulary pieces that we can use in our pocket charts as well. Even when the book is closed, we can still look deeper into the words and apply them to other settings.
This unit comes with vocabulary presented:
– full page vocabulary pages, great for introduction during reading
– pocket chart size vocabulary strips with images, great for integrating into conversation
– pocket chart size vocabulary strips to match with the image, great for matching and application

Before You Get to Rules
As a part of my favorite activities with this book, I talk about the things we should strive for each day in school. According to MJ’s mother, there are three things she should be doing as The Queen of Kindergarten. This activity is a great way to discuss class rules before we introduce works since we haven’t yet introduced them.
As we recall how MJ brightens rooms when she enters them, we discuss how she is kind and helpful to others. Our last step is to color a sheet with the same characteristics. Remember we are keeping these activities simple for the start of the year.
Tried and True Favorites
A reading comprehension release wouldn’t be complete without writing prompts, a reading comprehension game, and even sequencing exercises. It is likely that you will use these for the first week of school, but not for the whole month of August. That is okay! The first month of Kindergarten is like nothing else so
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