TransformEd reopens in 2 short weeks! Hooray!

It is with great excitement that I write this blog post and share TransformEd’s plans to relaunch our creative studio classes/programs on July 20th, 2020!  

I have had lots of interest from the community, returning families and also many new ones who are off for the Summer months.  Most of my requests have been relative/friend private cohorts (groupings) which I am going to do my best to accommodate!  I recognize that you might be anxious to get social and find some level of normalcy, but I didn’t want to open prematurely as there are a lot of new safety guidelines to consider. 

Childcare centres are slowly reopening, and the Ministry of Education has provided some options for what September will look like in publicly funded schools.  If students return to school every other day/week (blended learning model), then perhaps you may also wish to consider a Kindergarten or School aged program this Fall in the studio for their days/weeks at home.  As a parent and teacher I know that our private small group atmosphere is really ideal.

TransformEd will continue to provide creative learning experiences for children and families in a safe/healthy environment.  We believe that by placing these guidelines, we will get through these trying times.

We are looking forward to seeing everyone again, socializing together, and celebrating what childhood is really all about!

According to Phase 2 of Reopening Ontario, I am able to offer the following face-to-face services to children, parents, and educators:
  • Education and tutoring
  • Childcare 
  • Photography 
  • Consulting 

TransformEd is allowed to reopen to the public with limited or modified on-site programs and services that follow workplace guidance and public health advice.
  • Recreational activities are restricted at indoor facilities, but these spaces can be used for other programs and services. Examples of physically distanced programs and services include in-person counselling, group counselling, computer access, education and tutoring.

Transformed has, therefore, been busy behind the scenes taking numerous health and safety measures to ensure a smooth transition back to our space for the well-being of all children and families (including my own)!  This is why I have taken extra time making decisions to be certain that I have consulted with other professionals working with young children (in childcare, paediatricians/nurses at Sick Kids Hospital, public health, regional guidelines for the City of Vaughan, etc.).  I would rather be overly cautious and prepared -- both as an educator and parent of our programs!!!

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for believing in my small business and wanting to return to our classes/programs!  I appreciate your understanding and patience, as these difficult times were unexpected for all of us.  I can proudly share that 99% of our families were very pleased with the credit options offered!  That was almost each and every one of you!!  Thank you so much!!!  Truly no one could have ever imagined that this would happen…  And although your classes were in process, or just about to begin, the main reason for your credit is that your fees went towards the ongoing operation costs, staffing, program planning, marketing, and materials that all occur prior to any program start date.  To read more about our payment and policies click here.

You are welcome to consider our Summer/Fall registration, if you feel ready and comfortable to return.  The cost of our studio classes per hour have remained the same, however, we are unable at this time to provide any discounts for siblings or extended bookings.

COVID-19 has forced us to reimagine our space, procedures, offerings, and schedule.  This little curve ball is not necessarily a bad thing, since we are always transforming our educational practices!!!  We will temporarily only be able to offer longer classes of two hours per visit with a minimum one month commitment, so that we have less groups/people visiting the studio weekly.  Read more about our safety plans here.

You may wish to book month-by-month, and see how you feel.  Just know that waiting lists will be created once our Summer schedule completely fills up for Fall (part 1, 2, and 3).  Once we get closer to January 2021, then I will reevaluate and provide additional options…

Below are the Summer/Fall 2020 
dates (or months) to choose from:

Summer 2020
  • Starting July 20th, 2020 - August 15th, 2020 

Fall 2020
  • Starting September 12th, 2020 - October 9th, 2020
            Fall Break Oct. 10-24th - (Thanksgiving Holiday)
  • Starting October 26th, 2020 - November 21st, 2020
  • Starting November 23rd, 2020 - December 19th, 2020

Here are some documents (everything is now digital - less paper to print which is better the our environment) for you to read through while making your decision:

As always, and even more so now with wanting to keep our numbers low -- registration is on a first come first serve basisYour request to enrol will place you in priority sequence to select your program/hour.  I will, however, prioritize any bookings from our Spring 2020 credits.  You can email back here, text, or phone me to schedule your classes (647) 267-7597.  All of our private groupings are by appointment only.  And your payment (or credit) secures your spot.  I would also be happy to explain any of my documents or new procedures with you over a Zoom video call where we can share the screen of my laptop...

Not ready to return?

Please know that your credit is available when you are, and the same total that you paid will be honoured and applied however you choose!  Take your time or as long as you need -- I am not going anywhere -- except hopefully to a bigger space in a commercial plaza!  

There are some ways to redeem your credit right now (while at home, preparing for back to school in September) or in the near future. Click here to read “Options for COVID-19 Credits.”

I am also still offering introductory pricing on the following for another two weeks:
  • Monthly Membership @transformedvirtualstudio (video archive of creative lessons and workshops) for $26.55+HST/month - minimum three month commitment which will go to regular price of $40+HST per month x 3-6 months
  • Curated learning experiences or teaching toolkits from #TransformEdBoutique are now $40.00+HST to members and once my shopify storefront goes live and is connected to Instagram it will begin at $75.00+HST

Need some help navigating all of this information and our new digital registration process?

Please don’t hesitate to contact me through email, text (647) 267-7597 or to schedule a phone/zoom call.  I would be happy to share my laptop screen with you in a video call and guide you through the whole booking process!

Thank you again for your continued support and understanding!  I can say with full confidence that COVID-19 taught me to slow down, and really appreciate how fortunate I have been to be doing what I love.  I will, therefore, not take this opportunity to work with your child/family for granted and am even more committed to my future work at TransformEd.

We (myself, my son Sebby, and my daughter Lily) REALLY look forward to seeing you again!!!  


Joanne Marie Babalis
Creative Director - TransformEd P.S. Inc.

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