Check out these FUN and engaging Treasure Chest Math Ideas that will make your students happy and make the teachers jump for joy because of skill building fun. Get ready for some much learning FUN. I plan to use many of these ideas to start the school year assessments and small groups with.
Treasure Chest Supplies

To start, I swore to myself that I would not buy silly things for my classroom. But then, I found these precious treasure chest at the Target Dollar Spot and fell in love. They are pretty good quality for just $1 and I knew I could use them again and again. Then, I discovered a few and knew that I could create the most engaging and hands on learning activities. Let me show you.

Next, I found these red, white, and blue gems at The Dollar Tree for a dollar a bag. They will make great jewels for my treasure chest. I also found this bag if gems and coins in the birthday party section at Target.
(If you prefer Amazon, they have some that will work right here as well.)
Find the Number on Maps

Then, I made these fun treasure maps. You can play in a small group because you get 6 different maps. The teacher places ten frame numbers inside a treasure chest box. Student take turns removing one ten frame from the chest and counting it. Then, they “mark the spot” with the X on that number. Students could also trace the number or X the number out of the mats are laminated.

You can also play this group with each student getting their own treasure chest and map. I have provided options for both. Sincerely, I am obsessed with this game.
Treasure Chest MathProduct on sale$3.00
Apple Math Activities$4.00
Back to School Math Activities$4.00
Representing Numbers in Many Ways

Number talks can be such an impactful way to get students thinking about numbers in many ways and can help build number sense. When we dive into number talks and number sense, it can be a little much so we start SLOW. Check out these differentiate number mats. One is made for up to 10 and one is made for up to 20.

Students can work on their mat in small groups to select a number lock from the treasure chest, then write that number on the island, fill the ten frame to match the number, use drawings or gems to build the number on the mountains, and find the number on the number line. (Don’t forget you can easily add student tweezers or fine motor tools to make this activity fine motor.)
Count & Match Numbers

For this learning activity, you can attach the numbered locks with tape to the front of the treasure chests. These just my heart jump for joy!

Now, give each student in a small group a colorful set of ten frame jewels. Students can count the ten frame and put it in the correct treasure chest.

If each student has their own set of jewels, it is easy to check students. Check out how you can see the differences of the ten frame pieces from each student. In addition, you can build numbers up to 20 with the materials provided.

Additionally, remember you can also use the coins or gems for this activity as well. This may be ideal for younger learners or for differentiation. I could see this modification being ideal for a sensory table.
Treasure Chest MathProduct on sale$3.00
Treasure Chest Math Matching

This next activity is great for individual students. Place one color coded set of numbers and ten frames in a treasure chest. Each student will get their own treasure chest.

Then, students pull out the numbers and ten frames to make their matches. Students can also order numbers or add hands on gems to these activities.
Gem Graphing

Another fun treasure chest math idea is this gem graphing activity. Simple prep a treasure chest with a few gems we provide. Students use the gems from the treasure chest and graph the results on their paper.
More so, I know you most likely LOVE the idea of using the hands on gems and coins for graphing purposes. There is an open ended graph you can use for whatever coins, gems, or jewels you decide to use.
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