ABRAMS Dinner Party: Meal Prep Magic...Featuring Double-Chocolate Protein Smoothie #ABRAMSdinnerparty #MealPrepMagic #smoothie #proteinpower

I'm back with another great cookbook feature as part of the ABRAMS Dinner Party group! Meal Prep Magic features a stepwise meal prep system to save busy cooks time, money, and mealtime stress. Author Catherine McCord's believes that kitchen success comes down to two main strategies: organization and advance meal prep. Her simple three-stage process to achieve this duo includes:
  • Stage 1: Purge -- Remove, Assess, Edit, Clean Kitchen
  • Stage 2: Organize -- Pantry, Fridge/Freezer, Utensils/Cookware
  • Stage 3: Prep -- Meal Plan, Chop, Precook Ingredients
After sharing this three-stage meal prep process, McCord shares 100 compatible
family-friendly recipes that are quick to make...and healthy. These recipes can be prepped ahead/made ahead; made with kitchen staple ingredients; and utilize your freezer, air fryer, InstantPot, and slow cooker. 
The recipe I'm sharing is McCord's Double-Chocolate Protein Smoothie...since I start nearly every morning with a smoothie. This smoothie is sweetened with frozen banana and maple syrup...and features both unsweetened cocoa powder AND semisweet chips. The secret ingredient? Frozen cauliflower! More on that in a bit...but trust me that your mind will be blown.
Double-Chocolate Protein Smoothie
from Meal Prep Magic
Ingredients (2 Servings):
  • 1 medium banana, sliced and frozen
  • 1/3 cup frozen chopped cauliflower florets
  • 2 TBS unsweetened cacao powder
  • 2 TBS cacao nibs, carob, or chocolate chips
  • 1 pitted date OR 1 TBS maple syrup [NOTE: I used sugar free maple syrup]
  • 1 serving collagen peptides [NOTE: I used Vital Proteins]
  • 1 1/2 cups milk of choice [NOTE: I used unsweetened vanilla almond milk]
  • Garnish options: granola, any cereal, or low-carb brownie crumbles 
Place all ingredients in a blender cup. Puree until creamy, and pour into two glasses. 

Meal Prep Tips: 
  • Smoothie can be made the night before and stored -- covered --in the fridge overnight. 
  • Smoothie mixture can be poured into ice pop molds and frozen for a healthy frozen treat. 
  • To make smoothie packs to use later: add cauliflower, cacao powder, cacao nibs/chocolate chips, dates (if using), and collagen peptides to ziptop bags. Label and freeze up to 4 months. Simply add your milk of choice and maple syrup when you're ready for a super quick smoothie.
This lightly sweet smoothie is incredibly delicious...with distinct flavors of deep dark chocolate and sweet banana. It's also a very filling breakfast or afternoon snack! For me, it's always a double win when something that's full of healthy ingredients tastes amazing too. The addition of frozen cauliflower is pure genius! You cannot taste it AT ALL...but it adds creaminess + extra fiber and nutrients to the smoothie. I'll admit that I paused when I saw frozen cauliflower in the ingredient list. But? I've added this healthy veggie to multiple protein shakes since then...and everyone I've shared this tip with loves it too! 

Disclosure: I received a complimentary copy of Meal Planning Magic as part of the ABRAMS Publishing Dinner Party blogging group. All opinions shared are solely mine.

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