A Quilt Finish for Carver

I teased you on Monday and told you a little about the quilt I was working on for Carver.  Here’s the back story.  Where we live kids can go to three-year-old preschool…then four-year-old preschool…then kindergarten.  Last year because we didn’t know how Covid was, Kalissa didn’t know if she was going to send Carver.  It wasn’t mandatory and she wasn’t sure how her can Craig felt about it.  At the last minute, she decided to tell him.

It turns out Carver needed a blanket for nap time.  There was no time to make one so he went in my childcare napping blankets and picked a pink princess quilt.  YEP.  That’s Carver.  He likes pink…doesn’t mind princesses and isn’t raised to think pink is a girl color.

I decided that I wanted to make the quilt for him that I had wanted to make him last year and with school only three weeks away, I decided to get on it.

I didn’t want to put a ton of work into it…but I wanted something that reflected Carver so I pulled out Lori Holt’s book Spelling Bee.  Find it HERE.

This quilt was in it.

I decided I would change it up some…I would make the tractor block from Lori Holt’s book Farm Girl Vintage 2.

The beauty of Lori’s books is that the blocks are interchangeable.  I would use recycled shirts primarily in blues.  His name would be red…the tractor green and all would be recycled shirts.  YEP, I had a plan.

I made his name first and then the tractor.  Making the letters was a little putzy but really easy.

I ended up making the quilt a little bigger than the original and had to cut out more blocks.  Carver’s is 11 blocks wide.

It is made entirely of recycled shirts…and a pair of recycled pajama bottoms.

Here is a peak of it on the machine.

I would have been done sooner but I have a tension issue and had to rip out a lot.  You can see the area that had to be ripped.

I had a backing fabric but need the backing to be bigger…so, I did this.

I love how it turned out.  This was a thrift store fabric with the pajama bottoms providing the long strips of red.

It was windy when I was trying to get pictures.

Here is a better picture…

I am so happy with it.  From start to finish, including the machine quilting and binding, it took about seven hours.

I am VERY pleased with it.

I told Carver I picked blue because it was his and Papa Moo’s (Kramer’s) favorite color and that he liked plaid.  I told him I picked red because it was my favorite color.

I told him I put a tractor on it because I know he wants to be a farmer…and Dad drives a green tractor sometimes.

I used my hook and point motif for the longarming.

I used a variegated blue thread on the front and back.

Isn’t it cute??

The quilt book has bed-sized and baby-sized patterns.

I’m happy I got to put this on the back.

The heart is from her Vintage Christmas book.  If you look you can see that the mitten has a heart in the center of it.  I used the directions to make the heart from the 12″ mitten block and only made the heart.

What a fun project with instant gratification!!

I used the same red pajama bottoms for the binding.  It worked perfectly as I could cut long strips.

I gave it to Carver as soon as it was finished.

Here I am telling him about it.

Here he is reading the back and laughing because a heart means love and I spelled “you” wrong by making a “U”.

He was really sweet about the quilt.

Later Kalissa sent this picture.  Dirty-faced, playing Mindcraft, snuggled in his quilt…that’s my boy!!

If you are looking for a quick quilt, I HIGHLY recommend getting the Spelling Bee book by Lori Holt.  What a fun quilt to make!!

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