Are you ready to see how to drive into the 50th day of school with a drive in theme room transformation? This post is the complete creations of my coworkers who have allowed me to share their ideas with you. Let’s dive in to the drive in theme for the 50th day of school!
First, be sure to check out my classroom transformation for the 50th day of school here. I shared info to our set up and most importantly how we broke down the schedule for the 50th day. This will help wrap your mind around some of our 50th day of school plans.
We Divided Up The Themes
For an hour block on the 50th day of school, we swapped students to give everyone an even more engaging experience. My team of 6 teachers dived into two groups of three teachers each based on their location. Two of us did a juke box theme, two of did a diner theme, and two of us did a drive in theme. In my group, each student got to visit the drive in, diner, and juke box. Meaning, each little learner was able to visit each theme room AND do the same learning activities.
Outside the Drive in

You can check out the outside to the drive in themed classroom. The background is black paper. I adore the stars with the students names on them. And dollar store red curtains are fun and easy. Although this outside theme is adorable, it wasn’t very hard to put together and I know you can do it.
Sharing a Few Details

Check out this close up of the red curtains. The table clothes were a little too long, so the teachers bundled them up a little and added a cuff of yellow construction paper to hold it back. So simple and easy… and cheap! I specifically wanted to show you all this tip because you can really use it for so many themed transformation.

My favorite detail of this drive in theme was the “film” with student black and white pictures on them. These teachers printed student pictures out and put them onto black construction paper. Then, the teachers used a square hole punch (similar to this one on Amazon) to make the sides look like film. This is seriously adorable and showcases her students. I think this idea would also be great for the end of the school year awards!
Drive into the 50th Day of School Tickets

Another great detail these teachers included was this ticket box. It is just a simple box covered in paper with words and stripes added but it just adds so much to the area.
The Actual Drive In

Now, without further delay, welcome to the drive in for the 50th day of school. I was blown away by this cuteness and details. Each car was personalized for a specific student in THAT room as well. How special is that!?

Here is how these “cars” were made. First, we asked parents if anyone had some large boxes, and they did! A few weeks ago, the boxes started coming in. Then, the boxes had to be cut. (Remember my room was a different theme, so I didn’t make these, but I saw them being made.) These teachers and parent volunteers cut a template out for the swoop sides. They traced that design on the sides and cut them out. Next, they wrapped the boxes with paper and decorated them. The smaller students got the smaller boxes so we could get each learner in a box.

The wheels and steering wheels are all plates. The die cut machine was also a HUGE help for the break lights and more. Plus, the drive in was such a fun theme to talk about how people watched movies in the 1950s. When we rotated classrooms, each learner got to visit the drive in and sit in a car to watch a movie from the 1950s.
Two Drive Ins

Remember how I told you that we had two teacher groups for this room transformation? That means that another teacher at my school was able to create a drive in as well. Her room was also AMAZING and worth showing off. Plus, I love how both teachers did things a little differently and got great results.
This drive in header was a little simpler was so clean! The die cut letters, straight lines, and die cut circles are cheap to use and can make a great impact. This room tied their red curtain back with yellow ribbon and it looks great. Simple records for the background are also easy and fun.

One More Drive in Picture

Can we get enough of these little cars at the drive in? I can not so I had to share these cars in this room! We were hoping to save these cards to use year after year… but storage is just so hard. We ended up allowing the learners to take home their car if they wanted to.
Grab More 50th Day Room Transformation Ideas here!

The post Drive in for the 50th Day of School appeared first on Sharing Kindergarten.