This book might go over the heads of some younger children. I found myself having to explain to my 4 year old what was happening and why it was funny. I think my 6 year old may have appreciated the explanation as well. However, my 8 and 11 year olds thought it was hilarious from the get go and my younger kids loved it as well, after the parental explanation.

This is a Taco! Details
Title: This is a Taco!
Author: Andrew Cangelose
Illustrator: Josh Shipley
Publication Year: 2018
Age Group: Kindergarten, Early Elementary
Amazon Product Page (Affiliate Link)
While reading this book, my kids and I were joking that all educational books should be written like this. Basically, the premise behind this clever picture book is that the author is writing an informational book about squirrels. Taco the Squirrel volunteers to be a part of this educational endeavor. However, hilarity ensues when Taco hears what the authors have in store for him.
Eating tree bark? He prefers tacos. Carrying large amounts of food in his cheeks? He’s not a fan. Showing that his ankles can rotate all the way around? It looks painful! The funniest scene however is when there is a discussion of hawks being the natural predator of squirrels. At this moment, Taco decides to take matters into his own paws and rewrite the end of the story.
My older kids were thoroughly entertained throughout this whole book. The loved Taco’s personality and attitude. My younger kids did not fully understand the back and forth between the author of the informational book and Taco’s commentary. Some of it they understood. Some of it went way over their heads. When a misunderstanding leads to a giant taco entering the story, I had to take a step back an explain to them what was going on.
However, once I did, even my younger kids enjoyed this book a great deal. My 4 year old wanted to “read” it on his own and look through all the pictures again after we finished. If you are able to get this book from your library system, I definitely recommend checking it out!
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