Good News: Harrisburg is Not Cutting Education Funding! Bad News: Handouts for the Rich & Charter Schools | gadflyonthewallblog

Good News: Harrisburg is Not Cutting Education Funding! Bad News: Handouts for the Rich & Charter Schools | gadflyonthewallblog

Good News: Harrisburg is Not Cutting Education Funding! Bad News: Handouts for the Rich & Charter Schools

If you live in Pennsylvania, you can breathe a sigh of relief now that the legislature has passed a stopgap budget that does not cut education funding.
But you can let out that breath in a cry of disgust when you see where much of that money is going and how many underprivileged kids will be left wanting.


With the economy in tatters due to the Coronavirus pandemic, the state legislature never-the-less passed a budget this week providing flat funding for most state programs for five months.
The major exception is public schooling. That has been fully funded for the entire year.
So for 12 months, there will be no state cuts to basic and special education or block grant programs for K-12 schools. Nor will there be state cuts to pre-kindergarten programs or colleges and universities receiving state funding such as community colleges.
That’s really good news in such uncertain times.
School directors can get their own financial houses in order for 2020-2021 without CONTINUE READING: Good News: Harrisburg is Not Cutting Education Funding! Bad News: Handouts for the Rich & Charter Schools | gadflyonthewallblog

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