...1.30...Over the Weekend...

...we did finish watching Xanadu...and boy was it weird...basically those 9 women were the Muses...Zeus' daughters...and Kira was 'allowed' to come to earth...the finale is a big disco song stage thing at the Xanadu night club...but Kira has to go back home...so they all disappear in a flash...so weird...I know that's kind of a spoiler...but there is a kind of 'surprise' at the very end...haha...
...we're still getting up pretty early...so I was to the grocery store and back before 9 AM...nothing interesting or new though...
...then I did a little bit of food prep...I turned on the oven and baked a delicious Lower Fat Banana Bread from the Vegan Omicon...
...while the oven was on...I made some croutons...
...quickly snipped the little cubes with scissors...
...just oil and herbs and salt and pepper...
...while those were baking I prepped the collards...
...and put them into the InstaPot...
...and the croutons were done...
...we started one of the quick 300 piece puzzles that the Man's Mom had 'loaned' us...and we thought it was funny that she had put in a note about the missing piece in the yellow bird...haha...
...so we worked the whole puzzle...
...these 300 piece puzzles are still a little bit challenging just because of the really weird shapes of the pieces...
...but still easily doable in an evening...
...and you can see the missing piece...
...so Sunday afternoon...I decided to make a new one...just got out some various pieces of cardboard...
...traced the shape and cut them out...
...and glued them together to make a new blank piece...
...and then I just got out my coloured pencils and coloured it to match the surrounding pieces...
....and then to make it a little bit shiny...I varnished it with some poly we happened to have...not quite the right sheen...Mom suggested fingernail polish...which I don't have...but it would have been perfect...
...and here's the finished little fix...so fun...and it will be a surprise for the Man's Mom when she gets the puzzle back and all of the pieces are there...haha...

~Wishing you a lovely start to your week!

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