Some people (if not all of them) have something they cannot live without. Be it a video game, a particular brand of chocolate, or some sort of before-going-to-sleep ritual, there's always that one (or more) thing that brings them comfort and makes life just a little bit easier.
However, while there are things we truly enjoy doing, eating, smelling, etc., sometimes those 'hobbies' of ours can get pretty addictive. Thinking about that, I got curious about some of the strangest addictions that our pandas have. Scroll down to read the answers!
Being alone, if you know you know.
Reading, I've got to have a book with me at all times. I've even ducked into a bathroom during parties to read for a little bit.
Music. It gives me infinite access to stories and alternate worlds and keeps me in a good place mostly. But one time after a concert, I had a comedown and depression episode that lasted weeks.
Knitting and crocheting. Totally weird for a bloke in his 50s, I guess.
Internet, I should be sleeping right now.
Long naps. I arrange my whole schedule around them.
Bored panda. Won't survive a day without the cat memes.#9
Coffee. Must have it first thing in the morning or I get a headache, haha.
Peeling. Do you have a sunburn? Stay away unless you want me peeling the skin. Used to put Elmer's glue in my hands, let it dry, and then peel it. Friends had an 11ft python and I was in my glory when he asked if I wanted to help him shed its skin. I'm convinced I was a reptile in a former life.
Allegedly true horror stories. I am obsessed with these and I listen to them non-stop.
My wife. I can't imagine my life without her. I can't think of words to express how much she means to me, I won't even try.A close second would be playing my bass. Arthritis and carpal tunnel since my 20s. It seems to keep my hands working and I can tell when I don't play.

Chapstick. For about 35 years now. My lips no longer produce moisture on their own. And it has to be a Chapstick brand, no other will do. Any flavor, but cherry is my preferred.
Listening to TV shows, repeatedly. I've watched the first 3 seasons of Burn Notice at least 50 times and the first few seasons of Ghost Hunters around 20 times. I don't even really pay attention, I just like to have familiar sounds in the background. It calms my brain. If there isn't something playing, I'll get anxious, paranoid and scared. Truly strange!
Pimple-popping videos. I can’t get enough. I watch TV and videos on my phone at the same time for hours. And they better do it right, or I will ‘dislike’.
I’m sorry, my current addiction phase is dash cam videos of idiot drivers. I can’t turn away!
Salt. I just love the taste. I sometimes will just get a teaspoon of it in my hands and eat a few grains at a time. Obviously, I am extremely dehydrated after that but I make sure I get plenty of water. I also tend to add a lot of salt to dishes lol.
Binge-watching YouTube videos I have zero intention of ever doing/trying myself. E.g. truck driving, dumpster diving, and furniture upcycling.
Spider Solitaire. Been addicted since 1999. Someone gave me a hand-held game that I took abroad. Three months later, I was on an African safari and playing solitaire instead of watching for animals. I play at least 30 minutes a day.
Hoodies. More specifically oversized hoodies. And throw blankets. And stuffed animals.#21
Don't judge but... Wendy's nuggets dipped in chocolate frosty. It's really good.
Buying pens.Whenever I have had a rough day it always makes me feel better to buy a pack of pens
Theatre. And by that I mean the stage itself. I'm a theatre actress and the last two (Corona) years I noticed that I'm feeling physically bad if I don't do a few plays throughout the year. It's not the applause or the audience, it's just being on stage, reciting my lines, working with the colleagues, seeing the lights, smelling the unique odour... Sounds weird, I know.
Please don't judge but...standing under the mist of a humidifier just for fun.
Ice for some reason.
Cooking shows and YouTube videos of living off the grid or growing vegetables! They fuel my cooking creativeness!
My sunglasses. i never go out of my apartment without them. i wear them almost all year. i guess i make my eyes light shy.#30
YouTube essay videos on weird and random stuff. 30 minutes about the time Lady Gaga sued Moshi Monsters? Count me in.