


We think it’s safe to say we’ve officially entered “coat season”. We couldn’t be happier because this Fall coats are a BIG deal. Here in Ohio we wear them for months on end, so we take our coat game seriously, but designers really made us squeal when we saw the jacket lineup on the runways earlier this year. There are so many styles to choose from, but the two standouts were quite literally polar opposites of one another–the long and lean coat with ultra structure, and the puffer quilted coat that feels more casual. The coolest thing about these options, however,...

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5 Favorite Mountain/Hiking Destinations Close to Charlotte

5 Favorite Mountain/Hiking Destinations Close to Charlotte

This post is sponsored by RewardStyle and Backcountry. The opinions and text are all mine.  There is nothing like fall to motivate me to get out of Charlotte to enjoy the outdoor beauty and adventure that the Blue Ridge Mountains have to offer. Here in the Charlotte area, we are fortunate to be able to drive to many amazing mountain destinations in around two hours. I will always choose hiking as my favorite mountain activity, and it doesn’t get better than this time of year. The combination of the weather with the fall foliage makes for a great day on...

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Wednesday, getting things done!

Wednesday, getting things done!

 Well I kept my nose to the grindstone yesterday and it is a little bit tender today.  As in I have a slight headache, but maybe if I eat something I will feel better.Hubs is out hunting today, which is good as I can get through the work that needs done faster without him here, but I am also worried he will get a big buck and then as we are leaving, where will he store it.  It is too warm here to leave it hanging long and he will have to process it himself and my poor house.... Okay...

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7 Fall/Winter Adventures in Northern California + What to Gear

7 Fall/Winter Adventures in Northern California + What to Gear

Just because summer is over doesn't mean the year's adventures are at an end. In Northern California, they're just getting started. Blessed with a mildly cool, crisp climate in the Bay Area and a snowy wonderland of mountain peaks just beyond, fall and winter in NorCal can fuel just about any outdoorsy activity you can imagine, from mountaineering to trail running. These seven epic adventures will keep you exploring through spring, whether you're sticking close to home or heading to the Sierra. Just make sure to gear up properly. Our pairings of high-performance wear from Goldwin, the Japanese adventure outfitter...

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Behind a School Board Recall in San Francisco, a Diverse Coalition

Behind a School Board Recall in San Francisco, a Diverse Coalition

Autumn Looijen and Siva Raj had no funding or political experience when the effort began to recall board members and reopen schools. The school board members “talk about equity,” says Looijen. “The best way to get equity is to get kids in school so they can learn.” Siva Raj had never attended a school board meeting until his sons began struggling in San Francisco Unified’s remote classes during the Covid pandemic. Reopening was at the bottom of the school district’s agenda, he realized. “It wasn’t a priority.” He was living with Autumn Looijen, who had three children in suburban Los...

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