News — EthicalFashion
Responding to the challenging business environment resulting from pandemic lockdown restrictions, Salvos Stores, the retail arm of non-profit organisation The Salvation Army, have announced the launch of their new online store, giving the community...
EthicalFashion FayeDeLantyEco HowCharitiesAreImpactedByPandemic OnlineOp SalvosOnlineShop

“Launching Salvos Stores online is a huge leap forward for charity retail,” said Lucas Ferrier, Salvos Stores E-Commerce Manager. “This is the largest online op-shop in Australia and really brings the op-shop experience to life in an online environment.” For those who frequent the brick-and-mortar stores but aren’t confident in op-shopping online, the charity has made the experience simple and user-friendly to ease customers into the transition. Eco-stylist and Salvos Ambassador Faye De Lanty in an interview with the The Today Show, describes the curation process: “What we’ve tried to do is keep it simple; so just those pieces that...