News — OfficialRebrand
The sun rose on a new decade of New York Fashion Week Monday morning and was blotted out by Hudson Yards
CarterAltman DavidHart Fashion OfficialRebrand ToddSnyder

“New York Men’s Day,” the Supermarket Sweep of small and emerging men’s brands, returned to a rough-edged industrial space in the shadow of the west side’s new corporate luxury playground, where it haughtily turns its glassine back to the rest of the city. No matter. The brands that agree to share real estate and foot traffic understand the power of strength in numbers, like a sort of menswear trade union, but with underwear sponsors. Sherbet tones at Timo Weiland. Photograph Manu Gupta Courtesy of Timo Weiland And strengths were abundant. Timo Weiland’s cheerful suiting separates, soft both in form and...