News — AcceptYourChild
Perspective #1: “My 5 year old liked the female characters best, loved wearing dresses, play painted his nails, grew his hair long for a while because he wanted princess hair, loves pink and sparkles, etc
1 2 AcceptYourChild Assumptions GenderedExpectations Living NonbinaryChild

I was quietly supportive by treating his interests like any other. He got the princess dresses he wanted for birthdays and Christmases, his colouring books were unicorns and fairies etc. But I didn’t make a fuss about it any more than I would make a fuss about my other son liking stereotypically boy things like dinosaurs and cars. He wore a princess dress to school on a non uniform day. I didn’t say anything to him beforehand as he felt fine going in and I thought even an attempt at saying I was proud of him for doing it would highlight...