News — Inspiration
via Damsel in Dior
Athleisure Inspiration LifestyleBlog LizAdams Shopping

As the lock-down continues, many of us are simply looking for ways to cope. For some, that means ordering Italian food for five consecutive meals, while the arugula and salmon you bought at Jewel rot in the fridge. For others, it means vacillating between the simultaneous ecstasy and aggravation of not-having-anything-to-do. Still for others, it means sobbing over a puzzle until the cardboard pieces begin to disintegrate. Yet— as states across the country begin to reopen, a tiny flutter of hope for a normal summer is starting to stir in all of us. At Lux and Concord, that means dreaming...
Lock it down, skill it up!
BrewEdIsolation GlobalBrewEdIsolation Inspiration rEDHome

For myself and every teacher friend I have, the end of a term has us dragging ourselves towards the holidays… Six weeks of summer holidays gives us time to rest, recharge and reset our bodies and minds ready for the excitement of the new school year. Six weeks of lockdown with no definitive end in sight? That’s a whole other ballgame and you can’t take your bat and ball and leave, because you’re already at home to begin with. So what do you do with all this time on your hands? It seems the entire population of the Western world...