News — biesmillahmalekker
I don’t know bout ya’all but #lockdown was great on my palate, not so great on my hips #hipsforrealsdontlie
biesmillahmalekker boeber boeka crunchie hipsforrealsdontlie homemade inthenoahkitchen lockdown pwaasa zakariyyanoah18

Yhooooooo Yhoooo Yhooooo I fell into the banana bread trap and made a loaf with #zakariyyanoah18 right in the beginning of lockdown. I tried Mexican and Japanese and Cape Malay[1] vibes and it was all going well till I put a jeans on. Uh-oh…Long story short (and round) I picked up the 7 kilograms I had lost in the two months leading up to lockdown. It doesn’t help that Faeez loves being in the kitchen; and whatever he makes is so lekkkkkkerrrrrrrrr[2]! Did I enjoy all that food, yes! Did I cry after I picked up the weight, hell yes!...