News — MeToo
This season of the Real Housewives Of New Jersey has proven that it really is one of the best franchises on Bravo
BillAydin EvanGoldschneider MargeSr MeToo RealHousewivesOfNewJersey RHoNJ

Every episode has been filled with drama and gossip, and even the husbands have been getting involved. And the feud between Jackie Goldschneider and Teresa Giudice came to head this week, and everyone got involved in the screaming match. One consistent feud throughout the episode was between Margaret Josephs and Jennifer Aydin, which isn’t surprising considering their rocky past. And not only did they go back and forth on-screen, but they took the fight to Twitter during the episode. If I’m being honest, both of them are in the wrong. Marge puts down Jennifer, who is a stay-at-home mom, by...
What to Make of Isaac Asimov, Sci-Fi Giant and Dirty Old Man?
CraftAndCriticism Creepers DirtyOldMen metoo Robot

The Sensuous Dirty Old Man (1971) is credited to “Dr. A”… but “the secret is out,” admits a paperback edition, naming the author as Isaac Asimov, “undoubtedly the best writer in America” per the Mensa Bulletin. A response to a then-popular book called The Sensuous Woman, Asimov’s book instructs dirty old men on how to leer (“don’t peep at girls—STARE!”), make suggestive remarks (“What a magnificent dress… or am I merely judging by the contents?”), and fondle. The sensuous dirty old man has learned the fine art of the touch, that of making it so gentle and innocent that the...
My Year Of Rest & Relaxation: Hibernate In This Season’s Coziest Clothes

Creatures of comfort, rejoice! Hideaway the suited-and-booted pieces in your wardrobe because we’re embracing a slew of silken, slinky, and snug labels that put coziness front and center. From quilted housecoats to slubby knitwear, shearling-lined slippers to satin pajamas, there’s a new wave of brands making housebound clothes suitable for every day. Encouraging hibernation and slumber over participation in the rat race, the importance of being idle has never been so clear. OFFHOURS Homecoat, $295.00, available at OFFHOURS; Muji Stretch French Terry Long Pants, $39.00, available at Muji; Weekday Ryan Cardigan, $55.00, available at Weekday. The clothes we wear will...