News — HealthAndFitness
Gear test: Get-fit kit
GetActive HealthAndFitness Kit Reviews TrailRunning

Comfortable clothing, footwear and accessories for running and all-round outdoor exercise Trail Sock Twin Pack 1000 Mile, £12.99 Cotton socks get wet with sweat, swell and rub your softened, damp skin. A socialist running sock like the 1000 Mile Trail Sock helps feet stay relatively dry Comfortable socks are essential when you’re out on the trail – blisters are the last thing you want. These affordable socks keep your feet feeling dry thanks to a merino wool blend yarn that draws moisture away from your skin. The seams are flattened to reduce the chances of rubbing, and there’s also a...
10 Steps to Help Older Women Get Energized for Losing Weight at the End of the Year
1 10 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 HealthAndFitness LosingWeightAfter60

This year is quickly coming to a close. As a holistic nutritionist I’m often asked: “What is the secret to lasting weight loss?” That’s a heavy question, no pun intended. Here are 10 things I’ve learned in the 20+ years I’ve been helping older women who want to lose weight: #1: The Law of Attraction Matters Do you ever hear slender women talking about wanting to lose weight or how many calories they have consumed on a given day? Somewhere deep in their brains they have learned to eat enough, but not too much. They don’t think about calories or...