News — SEO
The leather jacket is one of the most potent garments in menswear

It’s a powerful weapon if you know how to use it, but has the potential to look truly terrible if styled poorly. Get it right and you’re Marlon Brando. Get it wrong and you’re a mid-life crisis personified. Half the battle is wearing it with confidence. Nothing looks more contrived than a guy in a leather jacket who seems unsure of himself. In order to really nail that devil-may-care, rockstar air that goes hand in hand with this piece of outerwear, you need to approach it with conviction. And that’s a hell of a lot easier if you actually know...
60PoundsLost Guest Over60PoundsLost SEO WeightLossStories

The weight started creeping slowly when I turned 30 but took a turn when I quit my job to be a stay at home mom. Going from a 9-5, interacting with People, to interacting with kids all day in my home brought on signs of depression. I binged my way through my days. NAME : Yessica BEFORE WEIGHT : 200 AFTER WEIGHT : 140 POUNDS LOST : 60 HOW DID YOUR WEIGHT AFFECT ANY ASPECT(S) OF YOUR LIFE? I became an introvert who hated going to parties or anywhere that would require letting people see how I had let myself...
It’s all too easy to get stuck in a style rut when it comes to trousers

Jeans, chinos and suit trousers are the three garments that make up most men’s legwear rotations, and while there’s nothing wrong with that, it doesn’t hurt to throw in the odd curveball here and there to keep things fresh and interesting. Thankfully, there’s no shortage of options. Modern menswear has a trouser style to suit every budget, taste and occasion. So, this considered, here are the key types of pants you should have hanging in your wardrobe. Slim Jeans As far as casual dressing goes, “if in doubt: slim jeans” is a pretty solid mantra to live by. Skinny-fit denim...
My Mommy Makeover Transformation!
Guest MommyMakeover SEO WeightLossStories WeightLossTransformations

After my first pregnancy I let myself go completely and gained more weight then I did when I was pregnant. When my son was 8 months old I got pregnant again. After giving birth to my second child I knew that I needed to do something. I’ve spent this year struggling to get healthy. NAME : Olivia BEFORE WEIGHT : 172 AFTER WEIGHT : 151 POUNDS LOST : 20 HOW DID YOUR WEIGHT AFFECT ANY ASPECT(S) OF YOUR LIFE? I think the biggest and scariest thing was that I couldn’t play with my kids, I was always so tired...