News — Reviews
In Review: Amazon’s Goodthreads Collection Spring / Summer 2021
AmazonGoodthreads Clothing InReview Reviews thunderthighs

Heads up: Buying via our links may result in us getting a commission. Also, we take your privacy rights seriously. Head here to learn more. Amazon Goodthreads for Men Spring/Summer 2021 Amazon’s exclusive/in-house clothing brand Goodthreads has been pumping out new collections twice a year at the advent of the “hot” and “cold” seasons. This past fall, we reviewed some of their fall / winter collection in detail and found mixed results, though mostly good. As a young brand with big-bucks-backing, Goodthreads has the potential – and frankly, the expectation – of continuous improvement from season to season. But is...
Gear test: Get-fit kit
GetActive HealthAndFitness Kit Reviews TrailRunning

Comfortable clothing, footwear and accessories for running and all-round outdoor exercise Trail Sock Twin Pack 1000 Mile, £12.99 Cotton socks get wet with sweat, swell and rub your softened, damp skin. A socialist running sock like the 1000 Mile Trail Sock helps feet stay relatively dry Comfortable socks are essential when you’re out on the trail – blisters are the last thing you want. These affordable socks keep your feet feeling dry thanks to a merino wool blend yarn that draws moisture away from your skin. The seams are flattened to reduce the chances of rubbing, and there’s also a...
Win It: The Made in the USA Flint and Tinder Harrington Jacket
FlintAndTinderHarringtonReview FlintAndTinderJacketReview FlintAndTinderReview MadeInTheUSAHarrington Reviews

Heads up: Buying via our links may result in us getting a commission. Here’s why. The Flint and Tinder Harrington Jacket – $220 What I appreciate the most about Flint and Tinder is that the design of their clothing fades into the background – yes, that’s a good thing. When something, be it a gadget or an article of clothing, does exactly what it’s designed to do, it shouldn’t be “noticeable.” Pants that don’t move well are noticeable. Jackets with low armholes are noticeable. But I’ve reviewed a number of Flint and Tinder pieces, and every one has been pretty...
In Review: Jomers $34 Stretch White Oak Cone Denim
Clothing JomersConeDenimReview JomersJeansReview JomersStretchJeansReview Reviews

Heads up: Buying via our links may result in us getting a commission. Here’s why. Jomers White Oak Cone Stretch Denim – $34 ($68) About the Author: Adam Terry is Dappered’s resident shoe & denim expert. He’s a thirtysomething Technical Trainer in the heating and manufacturing industry. He enjoys bourbon, boots, sneakers, and raw denim. He’s also a new dad! Jomers is a pretty exciting brand in the menswear clothing arena. Unlike a lot of the other new face, direct to consumer brands, they’ve been around since 2013 and are notorious for bringing killer value to menswear enthusiasts – made in the...
Win It: The Made in the USA Flint and Tinder Harrington Jacket
FlintAndTinder FlintAndTinderHarrington FlintAndTinderReview MadeInTheUSAHarrington Reviews

Heads up: Buying via our links may result in us getting a commission. Here’s why. The Flint and Tinder Harrington Jacket – $220 What I appreciate the most about Flint and Tinder is that the design of their clothing fades into the background – yes, that’s a good thing. When something, be it a gadget or an article of clothing, does exactly what it’s designed to do, it shouldn’t be “noticeable.” Pants that don’t move well are noticeable. Jackets with low armholes are noticeable. But I’ve reviewed a number of Flint and Tinder pieces, and every one has been pretty...