News — Children
What good is being three inches taller if your head spins and you have to shuffle?
Boys BreakingMasculineStereotypes Children Education FeaturedContent

My cousin Iris goes to school to be a nurse. She has to wear black shoes with the tall heels and the first thing she does when she comes home is take the shoes off and leave them at the bottom of the stairs. I was there, I saw her do it. “Can I try on Iris’ shoes?” Something about asking her threw Aunt Bernice into a tizzy, she couldn’t say yes or no, she swallowed hard, smiled, but her eyes looked sideways at the wall. One of those questions that had special extra meaning. “Why can’t I try on...
My Latest Snag: Mini’s Back to School Outfit
Children ChildrenClothing Memories Musings Relationships Turbothot

After spending entirely too much time debating what mini should wear on her first day of school, I landed on a plaid jumper with a ruffle collar blouse, a big red bow, and navy cientas. Mr. Magpie attended a parent education night at her school where they shared some tips on “separation,” which seems like it will be much more difficult for me than for mini. I’ll share some of their thoughts in a future post, but one special treat I came up with on my own is gifting her this special little bracelet. I had her name etched on...