After spending entirely too much time debating what mini should wear on her first day of school, I landed on a plaid jumper with a ruffle collar blouse, a big red bow, and navy cientas. Mr. Magpie attended a parent education night at her school where they shared some tips on “separation,” which seems like it will be much more difficult for me than for mini. I’ll share some of their thoughts in a future post, but one special treat I came up with on my own is gifting her this special little bracelet. I had her name etched on one side and a nickname we use for her etched on the other and I’ll use it to remind her we love her and are thinking of her always.
You’re Sooooo Popular: Levi’s.
The most popular items on the blog this week:
+Chic high rise denim (under $100).
+My dream heels.
+Tiered popover dress.
+My favorite long-sleeved tee.
+Vintage Chanel.
+Lee Radziwill bag.
+My favorite facial cleanser.
+A stunning dress for fall.
#Turbothot: We Were Together.
There is a stretch of poetry from Walt Whitman’s “Leaves of Grass” that is often misquoted —
“Day by day and night by night we were together,—All else has long been forgotten by me.”
These lines are often abbreviated to: “We were together. I forget the rest.”
Incidentally, I prefer the laconic revision.
Regardless of which version you read, the sentiment stands and — is it shockingly morbid to say this? — feels like what I’d like written about Mr. Magpie and I long after we are gone.
Sometimes I need to stop and remind myself of this: much of life is bric-a-brac, transitory, forgettable–so drink up the people that matter and let the rest drift out of focus.
P.S. These words reminded me of this post on Mr. Magpie and this post on female friendships.
P.P.S. They also reminded me of my family’s Thanksgiving prayer. At this point, I have had a couple dozen readers email me to say they’ve adopted the prayer as their own–and often tear up while reciting it.
Post-Scripts: The Marble Cookbook Stand.
+OK, this cookbook stand is gorgeous.
+Sweet decor for a little girl’s birthday party.
+Stocked up on a ton of inexpensive, cute leggings for mini (her school requires three “extra” pairs of clothes on hand for accidents — something that sounds reasonable but took me time to figure out what to send in because I am so selective with her clothing and don’t want a lovely outfit to just sit in a cubby all fall!)
+Absolutely dying over these earrings.
+Eyeing this rain jacket in that perfect pink color.
+This dress has my name written all over it.
+These kiddo jammies!!!
+Now contemplating this classic (and inexpensive) crib (very well-reviewed) along side a more expensive dresser/changer. More inspiration for micro’s room here.
+A cute cooking set for a bachelorette. (Also, maybe, a generous gift for a recent college grad?)
+Great dress for a postpartum figure. (Nursing-friendly!)
+Love these cheery pink shades.
+This mushroom basket is darling.
+A perfect fall boot.
+A fun statement sweater.
The post Weekend Vibes, Edition No. 129: We Were Together; I Forget the Rest. appeared first on The Fashion Magpie.
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