News — Shoes
Banana Republic: 46% off (or 52% off for GAP inc cardmembers)
Accessories BananaRepublic Clothing Sales Shoes teamjogger

Heads up: Buying via our links may result in us getting a commission. Also, we take your privacy rights seriously. Head here to learn more. B.R.: 46% off w/ BRTHX or 52% off for cardmembers w/ BRCARD20 Time is the only commodity worth a damn. Everything else is a derivative. And the timing of this sale is quite good. Because after a year’s worth of cheese doodles and sweatpants… or running shoes and stress hormones, a lot of us are now turning to our warm weather wardrobe and thinking “oh schnikes this does NOT fit anymore.” It’s not quite as...
Steal(ish) Alert: J
Clothing J Sales Shoes StealAlert

Crew 50% off Select New Arrivals One Day Sale (expires 4/4/21) Heads up: Buying via our links may result in us getting a commission. Also, we take your privacy rights seriously. Head here to learn more. GOODEGG = 50% off select new arrivals, extra 60% off sale Sneaky, J. Crew. Way to try and slide a half off promo in under the noses of folks who have their faces full of Peeps. Code also gets you free outbound shipping no minimum. The “select” in new arrivals is just that. Pretty select. It’s not a HUGE swath of their new spring/summer...
Style Scenario: Business Casual, Fall Textures
Accessories Clothing Shoes StyleScenario Watches

Heads up: Buying via our links may result in us getting a commission. Here’s why. What are you going to wear? Sometimes it’s good to look at a few suggestions then add your own tweaks and ideas. That’s what these are for. What is it about fall and texture? Tweed, Suede, Moleskin, etc… Those textures aren’t limited to the fall. But that’s where they seem more at home. Here’s one way to put together a lot of the soft stuff, in one business casual outfit, with affordability at least somewhat in mind. The Sportcoat: Nordstrom Men’s Shop Regular Fit Knit Sport Coat –...
The Fab 40’s is a group of six stylish fashion bloggers from around the globe

Each month we choose a different theme and invite a guest blogger also in their forties to join us. This group’s goal is to take on style trends and show how we each interpret and incorporate them into our own lives. With six widely varied views, you are certain to find something that speaks to you each month and encourages you to continue to have fun with fashion after 40. “If someone tells you that you have enough shoes, stop talking to them. You don’t need that kind of negativity in your life.” This month Daenel challenged us to build...