News — Incontinence
Consider this the next time you order a coffee: Your bladder, when full, can hold between 20 and 30 ounces of liquidsomewhere between a Starbucks “venti” and “trenta.”It is an incredibly flexible organ.When it’s empty, it’s only about two inches acro
Health Incontinence UrinaryIncontinence Washroom

ss. But when you down a supersize drink, your bladder can stretch to more than six inches. However, just because you can hold this much urine and stretch your bladder to the size of a grapefruit doesn’t mean that you should.Holding in your pee is necessary for functioning in your daily life but routinely pushing your bladder to its limits can have serious consequences, says Michael Ingber, MD, urologist, female pelvic medicine surgeon, and assistant clinical professor of urology at Weill Cornell Medical College, in New York. (Related:Your Guide to a Leak-Free Workout (Yes, Were Talking About Pee)) How your...