What Is The Most Ridiculous Thing You Say So You Don’t Swear?: 150 Responses By Our Community
Swearing is a common way for people to express their emotions and frustrations, but it can also be a source of conflict or discomfort in certain social and professional situations. For some individuals, swearing may be explicitly prohibited by their workplace, religious beliefs, or personal values. In these cases, finding alternative phrases or euphemisms can be a useful way to express oneself without risking offense or punishment.I’m not allowed to swear so I say stuff like "freaking", "shoot" and most notably "fudgeknuckles" to avoid punishment. I’ve heard stuff like "frubida" and have recently adopted "shiitake" and I’m eager to hear...
What Is The Most Ridiculous Thing You Say So You Don’t Swear?: 150 Responses By Our Community
Swearing is a common way for people to express their emotions and frustrations, but it can also be a source of conflict or discomfort in certain social and professional situations. For some individuals, swearing may be explicitly prohibited by their workplace, religious beliefs, or personal values. In these cases, finding alternative phrases or euphemisms can be a useful way to express oneself without risking offense or punishment.I’m not allowed to swear so I say stuff like "freaking", "shoot" and most notably "fudgeknuckles" to avoid punishment. I’ve heard stuff like "frubida" and have recently adopted "shiitake" and I’m eager to hear...
I’m Stuck in a Years-Long Dating Dry Spell. Help!
Hi Doc, I’m currently going through a dry spell. I haven’t had sex since December of 2021. This dry spell is becoming so comically long that my friends have started to poke fun at me about it, all of which I have taken in jest. I’m not sure why I’m having an issue with this; in my early 20s, I never had any issues getting male attention. Now, I’m not ageist. I’m really not. Right about now, you’re probably bracing for me to say something really ageist, but just stay with me. What I find really annoying is that...
The Best Fashion Brands For The Petite Girls
By Kerane Marcellus ·Updated April 12, 2023 Listen, if you’re under like 5’3″, maybe 5’4,” this is for you. Being a petite girl has been the bain of my existence; yes, body neutrality, but shopping is so annoying when you are not America’s standard height. I am 5’0″ with wider hips and thicker thighs, and my body has always been like that no matter what diet fad I try or new TikTok trendy workout that I stick to — and that’s okay. But what’s not okay is not finding the pants and bottoms that are complementary to my body. There...
The Best Fashion Brands For The Petite Girls
By Kerane Marcellus ·Updated April 12, 2023 Listen, if you’re under like 5’3″, maybe 5’4,” this is for you. Being a petite girl has been the bain of my existence; yes, body neutrality, but shopping is so annoying when you are not America’s standard height. I am 5’0″ with wider hips and thicker thighs, and my body has always been like that no matter what diet fad I try or new TikTok trendy workout that I stick to — and that’s okay. But what’s not okay is not finding the pants and bottoms that are complementary to my body. There...