5 Ways to Boost Your Body Confidence After Pregnancy
The human body is incredible, and as a woman who has experienced pregnancy and gone through birth, you’ll know just how amazing it can be. Now your baby is here and you’re getting used to being a new parent, you might be looking to get back to your pre-pregnancy fitness levels or hope to shift those extra pounds, so you can enjoy your favourite clothes again. Of course, it’s worth remembering that every pregnancy and every woman is different, and there should be no pressure to “bounce back” after pregnancy and slim back into those skin-tight jeans as quickly as possible!
Looking after yourself, exercising regularly and eating well are all beneficial for your mental and physical health as well as the health of your baby especially if you’re breastfeeding. Additionally, if you’re taking care of yourself then you’re more likely to enhance your confidence levels naturally! In this post, we’ll explore 5 other ways you can boost your body confidence after pregnancy.
- Reach Out to An Aesthetic Clinic
Perhaps you’re exercising regularly and eating well, maybe you’re already at your pre-pregnancy weight but you’re struggling with stubborn fatty areas that won’t budge. If so, then speaking with the Cadogan Clinic about liposuction could be an option if this is bothering you. Don’t be worried about being unkind or unfair to your post-pregnancy body, liposuction isn’t a “weight loss” procedure, it’s a surgery that removes stubborn areas of fat, and actively contours and smooths the body, so the patient feels more confident. Consider speaking with the experts today to discuss your options if you’re curious about liposuction.

- Get Some Exercise
Moving your body is difficult when you’ve been up all night, but exercise isn’t just about weight loss, it’s good for your cardiovascular health, your mental well-being and even for just getting out of the house! Take the baby on a long stroll in the pram, take a picnic, or try a baby fitness class and meet some like-minded mums! You don’t even have to exercise for hours at a time, just 20 minutes each day can make you feel better and more confident.
Remember: You should only exercise when you’ve been given the go-ahead by your midwife. This may vary depending on the type of birth you experienced and any complications.
- Invest In Better Underwear
Control pants and high rise underwear are a new mum’s best friend! So buy underwear that looks good, is invisible under your clothing and makes you feel good. Your bra size may have also changed since pregnancy, so get yourself properly measured.

- Look After Your Skin
Drinking plenty of water will give your skin a natural glow and give you more energy so keep yourself hydrated. Try to maintain a good skincare routine, or add a little fake tan to your moisturiser to give yourself a healthier look.
- Remember to Find Some You Time
When you have a newborn at home, it can feel as though you and your needs quickly shrink into the background, however, it’s vital that you find time to catch up with friends, invite visitors around so you can get some rest, get out in the fresh air and ask for help when you need it. Combined, all these factors will help boost your body confidence post-pregnancy.
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