A Grave Roast by A.N. Sage - Blog Tour with Character Guest Post and Giveaway


Piper Addison has three problems: a broken espresso machine, malfunctioning magic, and a dead body. Guess which one she doesn’t see coming?

One month from forty, Piper Addison thinks she finally has life figured out. Sure, her bank account could be fuller and the cafe she opened with the last of her savings could use some help, but what’s a few kinks for an Orchard Hollow witch?

Too bad Piper can’t witch to save her life, which is exactly what she might need to do when a dead body is discovered in the alley behind her cafe. To make matters worse, all the evidence points to Piper and the local sheriff is not too keen on the town’s paranormal inhabitants.

When a mysterious envelope lands on Piper’s doorstep, she has a decision to make: go behind the sheriff’s back and try to clear her name, or spend her fortieth birthday in a prison cell.

A Grave Roast is a paranormal cozy mystery complete with an unlucky witch, a ghost familiar, and a feisty raccoon with a talent for getting into sticky situations.

Character Guest Post by Harry Houdini the Raccoon

Hi everyone! Welcome to my book.

Just kidding, I know this is technically Piper’s book, but I think we can all admit the witch would be nowhere without me. Well, she might be in jail. Her and that transparent woman that’s a thorn in my thigh wouldn’t have even found the dead guy if I hadn’t gone out of my way to alert them.

Alright, fine! I was looking for snacks, so what? Have you ever met a raccoon that wasn’t always hungry? Didn’t think so. It’s in our DNA.

As I was saying, when you’re reading this little story, remember who the main character is and treat him accordingly. If you really want to thank me, I accept payment in the form of day-old muffins and chocolate chip cookies.

Hmm… cookies.

Why are we here?

Oh, yes! The book! In case you’re worried about a witch in your book, let me put your mind at ease: Piper can’t witch to save her life. And that see-through woman that’s always chasing me around is no help either. I’m pretty sure she’s deader than roadkill. Piper keeps calling her a ghost familiar, but I have no idea what that means. All I know is that she’s in the way of me getting all the snacks I can stuff in my mouth. Frustrating creature.

Anyway, the sun is coming up, so I only have an hour left before the witch gets in and chases me out of her cafe again. Better stock up on muffins! Before I go, I’ll share a bit of wisdom with you, from one raccoon to another.

When looking for food, make sure to check the dumpsters. It’s a gold mine in there! But be careful when you’re searching; you might find a dead body instead of a croissant…

About the Author: 

A.N. Sage is a bestselling, award-winning author of young adult fantasy and mystery. She has spent most of her life waiting to meet a witch, vampire, or at least get haunted by a ghost. In between failed seances and many questionable outfit choices, she has developed a keen eye for the extra-ordinary.

A.N. spends her free time reading and binge-watching television shows in her pajamas. Currently, she resides in Toronto, Canada with her husband who is not a creature of the night and their daughter who just might be.

A.N. Sage is a Scorpio and a massive advocate of leggings for pants.

Author Links:

Website https://ansage.ca/
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/a.n.sage/
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/groups/945090619339423
YouTube https://www.youtube.com/ANSageWrites
Tiktok https://www.tiktok.com/@ansagewrites

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