Monday, Short week


Yes, here we are again stating another week. The house is relatively clean, I think I have conquered the dust, and I am back in the shop.  I will only be here 4 days this week as Signe' and I are taking her two kids to see Jethelyn over Memorial Day weekend.  We are going to bring James back with us for a week.

I am looking forward to time with my girls.  Braunwyn was here yesterday for several hours to help me finish up the garden and clean out the upper shed.  I have a load to take to the dump and many things to either give away or sell.

I can't believe the tools Hubs has. The boys will need to go through them and decide what they want then I will store the rest. I won't use them, but it is nice to have in case they are needed.

We had a great rainstorm last evening and we so needed the moisture.  It was 100 yesterday afternoon and it was hard to work outside.  B and I kept coming in to cool off. I spent late afternoon floating in Lil sis's pool it was lovely. 

I have been scouring the dead and dying racks to fill in my long flower bed with perennials that the animals will not eat. 

The music piece I have been practising is played much slower than I thought it would be, so much easier to play.  There are so many three and 4 note chords.  It is hard for me with my arthrits to stretch to many of the chords so I am changing them slightly.  Just much easier and I am relieved. 

Took a friend of mine to the Temple on Saturday and we had such a nice day.  We then went shopping for a while and found her some really cute things. I can't wait to do something like this with her again.  It was a nice way to spend a Saturday away with just the two of us.

Sluggy must be off on her cruise, and I hope she can have fun without me.  But I should have been with her, I think. Who will she do carrot cake runs with at 10 o'clock at night? I know she will miss me.

I have 5 bridesmaid dresses to get done, and a pair of pants, a coat to mend and a couple of shirts to alter.  Then I must look at the wedding dresses again. I am so happy I have cut off work until next month.  I am so much calmer, and it is wonderful.

Stayed up way too late last night reading and I am paying for it today.

Kelsa and I have been out riding the little kids 4-wheeler, and her bike, and I resprayed the weeds I had sprayed before the rainstorm, then we picked up all the Roscoe poo.  Kelsa loves that job.  I hate it, but it must be done. She thinks it is great fun.  She walks around and finds is and then I pick it up in a bag and we throw it away. I think I have the rotten end of the job.  But as long as she thinks it is fun, it gets me to keep up on it.

I now need to empty and clean the bottom shed which is huge and then the garage.  But those two projects will involve Nate and Daniel. After they are done, I will feel like I have done what I could to organize this place without Joel.

I hate that he is gone.  It is so very hard.


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