Here’s how it turned out!
Organizing a Small Closet
After searching for ideas to organize a small bedroom closet, I decided that the best way to keep our closet organized was to have lots of storage cubes that would make it easy to put things away. I knew that our habit of quickly throwing things in our closet probably wouldn’t change, so I figured if we wanted to keep our closet organized then we need a specific bin to toss our stuff in.
My husband and I decided on using these large cube storage organizers from Walmart. They are the Better Homes & Gardens Collection Grey Large Collapsible Bin with Label Holder. We used 12 storage bins for our closet and they fit perfectly in our space!
I love how they have a place for a label so you can know what is in each box without pulling it out or down from a shelf! Unfortunately, you cannot order these online so I had to make trips to a few different Walmarts in our area to get enough for our closet. But it was worth it for how well they helped us organize our small closet.
If your Walmart doesn’t have these, here are a few great options for closet organizers:
Using Storage Bins to Organize a Small Closet
To keep our small bedroom closet organized and make it easy to toss our shoes or clothes into the closet, we categorized each bin and labeled them. We have a separate bin for boots, sandals, flats, tennis shoes, heels & dress shoes. And then we also used a few bins for bulky clothes like sweat pants and sweatshirts. A storage bin for bathing suites, and then a bin for purses and travel bags.
Since my husband and I share our master bedroom closet, we made it easier by sharing the bins. Our sandals storage bin holds both mine and my husbands shoes, as well as our tennis shoe bin.
We also have a storage bin for shoes we do not wear often. Whenever Payless went out of business, I was still working in the corporate world and loved wearing the above nude flats. So I bought 3 pairs as they were closing their store. Now that I work from home, I don’t dress up and wear flats that often, so they are stored in our “misc shoes” bin.
Organizing Hanging Clothes in a Small Closet
When you don’t have a ton of hanging space in a closet, it can be tricky organizing clothes in a small bedroom closet. We have a lot of hanging space in our closet but about half of it we cannot get to unless we squeeze into the back of the closet. It is very frustrating to try and fit into that tiny little space, so I try and keep all of our clothes that we wear on a regular basis in the front of the closet.
There are a few ways you can maximize your hanging space. Some people use vertical space-saving hangers but I have found that those can get pretty bulky. Instead, I have been trying out velvet hangers.
I’m not gonna lie, I have a love-hate relationship with velvet hangers. They are GREAT for saving space in a closet because they are so slim. They take up about half the size of what a regular plastic hanger does. And they are really nice for women’s clothes that have a tendency to fall off the hanger. All of my tank tops and dresses stay on these hangers nicely. But, they are a total pain to actually hang clothes on. It takes about twice the time to hang up a shirt or dress because clothing doesn’t easily slide onto the velvet hangers like they do plastic hangers. However, I still think it is worth it to use velvet hangers to gain more closet space and to keep clothes from falling off the hangers.
So far I have only used them on my clothing but as I buy more I will start moving my husband’s clothes over to them. They are a little pricier than regular hangers. Amazon has a really good deal on them here, or you can find them for $10-$12 for a pack of 30 at TJ Maxx, Home Goods & Marshalls. All of mine have come from TJ Maxx.
Color-Coding Your Hanging Clothes
To keep my hanging clothes organized, I sort them by color. I only do this for my clothes because my husband doesn’t really care about where his clothes are. And he works in a hospital so he wears the same thing every day. But for me, it is so much easier for me to find what I’m looking for when my clothes are color-coded.
Before implementing an organizing system for hanging clothes, it was really easy to lose some of my clothes within the closet. You know, when you’re searching for a thin tank top and it takes you 3 times to go through each hanger until you finally find it stuck to a sweater. Okay maybe that only happens to me, but it happened enough that I had to find a better system for categorizing my clothes.
Color coding has worked out really well because now I know exactly where that navy tank top will be or a striped dress for church on Sundays.
I love how this project turned out and I think it’s going to make keeping our small bedroom closet organized so much easier! Plus the whole project cost less than $100 dollars! Using and filling our shelves with storage bins eliminated the ability to just toss things on a shelf in our closet. Now we have to take an extra step to put our clothes and shoes away, keeping our closet organized longer.
Would using storage bins help you to organize your closet?
How about color coding your clothes?
Comment below and let me know your ideas for organizing a small bedroom closet!
The post Organizing a Small Bedroom Closet appeared first on Organization Obsessed.