Save money on your first ski trip and rent high quality outdoor gear for the whole family.
A weekend away means a workweek’s worth of preparation. Indeed, packing for a family of four takes time. It takes planning and patience and checklists and perhaps of a glass of wine or two. We have found a way to stay warm and look like pros with Kit Lender outdoor gear.
So when we booked our family’s first ski trip to Vermont (more on Mount Snow coming your way tomorrow!), I was prepared to stock the car full of bags and books and iPads and snacks and jackets and gear galore. I was ready to be knee-deep in my Subaru of stuff. I made peace with the idea of buying (and then bringing!) anything and everything we needed to make our trip a success. (#AllTheThings and #AlltheMoney—sounds about right, no?)
Head to Kit Lender here to get your ski and snowboard gear shipped to you.

Getting the Right Gear
As newbie skiers, we were renting our boots and skis, but I wanted to make sure my kiddos were totally equipped to face the brutal cold of VT with all the appropriate gear and garb. And while their regular Thinsulate jackets are adequate for school drop-off and pick-up, I knew they needed the best possible outerwear on mountain and off--not to mention quality snow pants and protective goggles. I was begrudgingly prepared to drop a pretty penny at the ski store (holy heck, goggles cost 90 bucks! gloves for 75!?!?), when I learned about Kit Lender... just in the knick of time!
Through Kit Lender's easy-to-navigate site, you can rent high quality outdoor gear for the whole family. Function marries fashion with the latest and greatest from brands like Obermeyer, The North Face, Smith, Patagonia, and Burton.

What You'll Find on Kit Lender
I rented full kits for the whole family (two for myself—because: fashion!)—and I was amazed with the like brand-new quality and genuine thoughtfulness included in each individual pack. Each kit came with a jacket, snow pants or a full bib (for kids), water-proof gloves or mittens, and goggles. There was even a pack of tissues and a hand warmer in each.

Women's Skea Kit
If you are not regular skiers (raises hand!) or if you live in a warmer climate (lucky!), Kit Lender provides a brilliant service and cost-effective solution. Instead of dropping hundreds (I would have spent well over 1000 dollars if I attempted to buy all the items we rented), you can borrow by the day for a fraction of the price. The contents of my kit would retail for $785 dollars, but is around $50 dollars per day via Kit Lender. Check out the mom's snow bunny Skea kit here The kids' kits were each about $33 dollars/day. Check out the toddler's kit here.

The savings are incredible, and the convenience is unbeatable. Select your first on-mountain day when ordering, and your gear is guaranteed to arrive a day prior. You can even have it delivered directly to your destination hotel—yeah, that means less STUFF to pack! On your last day, box everything up (no need to clean—they dryclean it for you!), use the included pre-paid shipping label and you are done. Your hands are clean and you'e free of responsibility...and stuff.

My family of four was kitted out—and, oh yeah, we LOVED our first ski trip together. Staying warm, feeling good, and looking the part helped us succeed on the slopes. Thank you for that, Kit Lender!
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