Turtleneck, V-neck, and a crew neck; if are the only three answers that come to mind if we ask you about types of sweaters…. We’re sorry, but your fashion skills still have a lot to improve.
And it is that any connoisseur in fashion would have told you of the wheelbarrow and without hesitation…. the cut-out, the jewel, the cropped, the polo neck, the bobo neck, the combined, the hood…
Yes, the truth is that there is a whole universe around this basic wardrobe; a garment that has not stopped reinventing itself in recent times…. But let’s not get confused with so many names and let’s go by parts.
Do we take a closer look at each of them? Surely you already have some of the 10 sweaters that matter this winter.
Jewel button

Maybe a few years ago this cardigan with jewel buttons could have been perfectly taken out of your grandmother’s closet, but right now it is one of the favorites of those who know more about fashion.

Or what is the same, the sweater with openings? It is not suitable for whopping, but if you dare, see how good it feels!
Polo neck

Last winter they began to sneak into our closets and today they are on their way to becoming a classic.

These look great with high-waisted pants and are perfect to wear a belt.

We refer to the twin sets of a lifetime but in an updated version and even more so when we add knitted shorts to the cardigan and the top!
The post The Sweaters That Will Matter This Winter appeared first on Style Motivation.