First of all I can't believe it is Thursday and secondly I keep thinking it is Friday. How can a week go by so quickly and yet be so long it is not Friday yet. I feel like I need to come up for air.
Hubs is on his way back home and the funeral is set for Tuesday. Our Eldest just called me and she had a long list of paperwork that she had just gotten done for mom, and was on her way back to Twin Falls. There is SSI, Montana retirement, death certificate to order and other financial things that mom will need to take care of and eldest set up all that and appointments to meet with people. She also made hotel reservations for our family and girls and spouses.
We are set to go back on Sunday and everyone else will come in late Monday. I do not know how long Hubs and I will stay down there, but I hope to have all sewing done before I leave so we are not rushing back before we need to. I have cleared my schedule for next week as far as babysitting is concerned. Heavy sigh!
Completed another chart yesterday, and this catching up business has been good for the old pocketbook.
I did get quite a bit of sewing done yesterday and still have things I want to get done today if possible. I cleaned house some last night and most of this morning, but I have everything done so far as that goes. That is a load off.
I had a good laugh with my sister in laws and daughter as they had to deal with Hubs (aka Sheldon Cooper) during a stressful situation. Finally daughter gave up and sent him home. I said 4 days that is all you could deal with? Try living with him. They all understood how well I needed break. HE can be very, very difficult, not that he is hard to get along with, he just does not have the social capacity to see beyond the end of his nose. Although I will tell you he has a great sense of humor.Luckily daughter can fill in where he is weak and try and control him.
I am going to get this pile of things done today and hope to have nothing else before we leave.
1. finish woman's suit alteration
2. get a pile of things done
3. alter 6 pairs of scrub pants
4. alter a homecoming dress
5. alter a tuxedo
6. deep clean my shop
7. run to bank
8. run to Joanns
That is it. No more!
Thrifty Thursday:
1. saved all my spare change in my pig bank
2. saved a $1,$5,$10,$20 bill
3. saved money in my 100 envelope challenge
4. saved all my $5.00 bills I have lost track of what I have saved I am going to go with added $140.00 in the last two weeks as I forgot to post last week. So far have saved a little over $2145.00
5. Really did not grocery shop this week, picked up some cheese on sale. Also used a $7.00 grocery credit that would go bad after today.
6. didn't cook all week just ate leftovers.
7. redid bedroom with things I bought on super good sales and I love it.
8. used up all leftovers in fridge and sent much food home with missionaries so it did not go bad.
9. found .95 cents at Mcd's and 3 pennies at Albertsons this week.
Not a really big saving week, but I will take what I can get.
Hubs just walked in so I am off.
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.