Tuesday, Another chart and an update!

 I actually completed this chart last Friday. But with everything going on just forgot to post it. SO I am really ahead of the game this year with the shop, not so much with the debt payoff on the house, as I have been spending my earnings on travel.  But I will get back to it as soon as I can come up for air. At two charts a month I should be just finishing chart 18,so this shows where I am.

Hubs called about 9 this morning and no change.  HE is bored.  I gave him some ideas of things he could really clean out there and start taking things to good will.  Mom's small storage basement is full of books and magazines that need to go she will never use them.  Also dad has a garage full of stuff.  GO through it.  It will never be used again. 

I am so happy to say I got so much done yesterday, without the constant interruption from hubs.  It is not that he does not allow me to work, but not having to cook dinner and plan dinner, and then sit and watch the news with him gives me an extra i swear two hours. I really knocked through all the bridesmaid dresses and then onto the homecoming or prom dresses.  It is the piles I need to get to today.  And let me tell you there are piles.

Hubs called and said he had forgotten the deeds to the cemetery that are in his name.  They are in the strong box.  So I took pictures and sent them.  The younger girls thought dad would be buried in Missoula with Franka, but he is going to be buried in Nampa.  Also Mom is in a dither and could not find the will.  Although Idaho is a shared property state she still needs proof, of some properties.  LUCKILY  dad in his good years made sure that the burial plot was in Hub's name so he could direct the burial and not have to have it switched to whoever went first.  Also dad had given our Eldest a copy of the will  to keep and she was able to pull it out of her office drawers and send copies. Now the family is probably asking why us? Hubs was by far the least favorite of the children, but he and his younger sister are the executors.  Love and trust are funny things in families. Hubs is by far the most generous of his siblings, he is honest and loving.  Sometimes he needs a little prodding form me because he is well... a man. Selfishness was something that just was not tolerated in my family.  We had a lot of problems, but that was not one of them. Death can bring out funny emotions in people.

I went out to collect eggs this morning.

I snapped this picture as I think the colors are so pretty.  Two kinds of blue green and two kinds of brown and then white. We are getting 12 eggs a day on average.  I took eggs over to the neighbors this morning. Daughter should be by tonight and take another dozen or so.

Today's work load:

1. finish homecoming dress two piece with two zippers, ugh!

2. hem four pairs of pants

3. hem 4 shirts

4. mend a coat

5. mend pants

6. get a pile of alterations done

7. get another pile done

8. hem a pair of jeans

9. shorten a skirt

10. homecoming dress

11. homecoming dress

12. alter woman's suit

Let's see what I can get done.

In addition to sewing, I have been working on the master bedroom.  I DID NOTHING IN THIS ROOM SINCE WE MOVED IN. I have kind of been waiting for something to strike and inspire me. As I am very frugal and hubs does not like a flowery feminine master bedroom, I have just put this on hold.  I do want to incorporate many things we already have. SO I will keep working on this and show pictures tomorrow of what I have done so far.  I have found many things 80% off so I jumped!

Well I had better get to work, those piles are not going to do themselves.

Thanks for all of the good wishes, I really appreciate them. Being alone here and working is great, but I am also alone with my thoughts and grief and I really would like to be with my father in law at this time.  We were close.  This is hard.

Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.


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