Tuesday Tangents.

(vest, shirt, pants, shoes, hat)

Another day of running on fresh snow…

I wish the groundhog didn’t see his shadow.

Jo saved me! I realized when we got to our meeting spot that I only brought one glove with me, so Jo brought me a sock that kept my gloveless hand perfectly toasty.

I’ve been strength training consistently for 1.5 years, and a 10-minute core class still leaves me lying on the ground because I’m so tired.
He wants to be comfortable at Trader Joe’s, so he removes his shoes.

Let’s move onto some tangents…

Let’s get talking about some tangents!

*The top 3 finishers for the women at the Mesa Marathon a few days ago were all in their 40s. Heck yes.

*I have a race in less than a month! 3/4! I was supposed to do the Vegas RnR this month, but we couldn’t make it work with Andrew’s work schedule and our kid’s back-and-forth schedules, so I found something new. This one is in St. George, and it’s on the trails, which will involve a lot of hill climbing.

I. Cannot. Wait.

*My parents were over for dinner, and Beck just came over to my mom and put his hand on her back. He stood there for a few minutes. It was so sweet.

*My bloodwork came back, and I was right… low on Vitamin D. My iron and ferritin are normal, which I was happy about!

I’m trying to convince Andrew this means we need last-second tickets to go to Hawaii for my birthday and some Vitamin D.

*Raspberry Kringle from TJ’s= 10/10
*This combo from TJ’s will always be my favorite.
*Beck has been joining me on my strength workouts.
*Monster workout tomorrow… here are the intervals, and I’m praying the roads clear up in time:

Vitamin D tips for me? I’m taking a supplement daily but would love to hear more suggestions!

Who is going anywhere soon? Any trips? To sunshine?

Who has a trail race they are doing this year? Give me the details.

What shoes are you running in today and how would you rate them on a scale from 1-10 (10 being the best shoes you’ve worn)?

The post Tuesday Tangents. first appeared on The Hungry Runner Girl.

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