The Facts:
Height: 5 7/8ths inches
Articulation: Swivel/hinge ankles, double hinged knees, swivel thighs, ball jointed hips, ball jointed mid-torso, swivel/hinge shoulders, swivel/hinge elbows, swivel/hinge wrists, balljointed neck, and a ball-jointed head.
Accessories: Blaster pistol.
Non-Scalper Price: $23 dollars
* Dr. Evazan is a character that never looks right to me. I think my mind always compares him to the Power of the Force 2 that I had as a kid which was fairly inaccurate. This guy is way more accurate, though, and does look like his film counterpart. He's wearing a pretty basic Star Wars outfit: Long sleeved tunic-like shirt, pants, boots, and a vest. His vest is a separate piece and there's a really nice texture and paint weathering on it. His shirt hangs down and looks like it has truly seen better days. Dr. Evazan definitely looks like a scoundrel on the run.
* The likeness is quite good here with lots grisly detail showing off Dr. Evazan's disfigure mug. The oddly shaped nose and his marred eye look great. He's a weird, frumpy guy who is also pretty intimidating.
* My only real complaint with Dr. Evazan is that the arm holes on his vest really expand out quite a bit. You can get them adjusted but they tend to flare back out with any movement.
Dr. Evazan is probably the absolutely definition of a Good in my rating scale. He's perfectly average. He's got a solid likeness, good articulation, and a nice blaster, but that's about it. He's now wowing or anything and he does feel a bit bare bones for Hasbro's new $23 dollar asking price. I don't dislike him and, since Ponda Baba and Dr. Evazan are two of my favorite tertiary characters, there's no way I was skipping him. Obi-Wan's gotta have a couple fools to cut down with lightsabers, right? Or have him team up with Dr. Aphra. The choice is yours.
If you like Dr. Evazan, check out the Galoob Micro Machines C-3PO/ Cantina Transforming Action Set; there's a little image of Dr. Evazan on one of the stickers.
For more Star wars: The Black Series Phase IV figures check out the following:
Princess Leia Organa (Endor)